South Korea: Closing "Trump is a Realist" … Take part in the counterattack of the "skepticism of the North American dialogue"


  • Mike Fence, Vice President of the United States.
[데일리한국 전현정 기자] US Vice President Mike Fence participated in a counter-attack on the skepticism of the North American dialogue on June 11, when the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) [19659003] In his interview with Fox News, Vice President Fenice said in an interview with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that "Mike Pompei, Secretary of State of the United States,

] "The North Korean Foreign Ministry said, through a statement by the spokesman, that" we will continue our efforts to solve the North Korean nuclear problem ". "

He believes in a dialogue with [le président Kim Jong Eun]," he said.

However, he said, "We can not be realistic," he said, "I believe that the sixth and twelfth agreement that the North has agreed to completely denuclearize is a promise that we can make progress.

"We face tremendous challenges all over the world," he said, "but that the American people will not be president,

Meanwhile, Pompei asked reporters who were waiting at Brussels airport in Belgium their position on "the failure to come to North Korea". Nuclear weapons threaten them, not security guarantees. According to him, when Pompei visited the Afghan unit in Kabul on 9 September, he said: "The resolution of the North Korean nuclear problem is not a solution to the North Korean nuclear problem", a- he told CNN. "

At the time, Pompeo said:" I have been criticized for many things, but I'm mad. "

Pompei said at a press conference after meeting with President Ashraf Ghani:" I still have a long way to go, but to be honest, Kim Jong-il has not only promised to President Donald Trump, but also strengthened. "

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