Suh Jun-won, 33, controversial victory in the general election … Five more years


Interim accounts swept 100 out of 125 seats … The turnout is 80.49% 10% P from 5 years ago ↑
Voting and suspicion of billing … First Minister Hun Sen of Cambodia [AFP=연합뉴스] "data-src =" "/> [19659003] Hun Sen Prime Minister of Cambodia [AFP=연합뉴스]

Prime Minister Hun Sen (66), who led Cambodia for 33 years, sacked the first opposition party and closed the door to the press, winning the next five years.

The Cambodian People's Party (PCP), a ruling party led by Prime Minister Hun Sen, said Monday that it had more than 100 of the 125 seats in the legislative elections.

The CPP is expected to occupy between 110 and 115 seats in the preliminary results of the Electoral Commission.

A spokesperson for the DPP in the DPP said, "At the following From the self-badessment of the general election results, it seems to have occupied more than 100 seats by winning more than 80% of the actual votes.

A government spokesman in Cambodia said the ruling party won the elections without mentioning a concrete number of seats.

The new opposition party, the powerful PCP opposition party, was forced to dissolve in the elections, and the new political parties that contested the CPP will likely only hold out. twenty seats.

The participation rate was finalized at 80.49%. It was 20% higher than the NEC's 60% forecast and 10% higher than it was five years ago.

This gave more power to the power and Hunsun prime ministers who were re-elected against opposition parties and media crackdown, while critics of the government, who described the general elections as "false elections "Become a blur.

<div clbad=
 Prime Minister of Cambodia [AFP=연합뉴스]

Hun Sen Cambodian Prime Minister [AFP=연합뉴스]

Prime Minister Hun Sen made sense on the Facebook account that "the comrades have chosen a democratic path and exercised their rights".

On the other hand, the CNRP leader in voluntary exile in France, Samran City, said: "The victory without a real challenger does not make sense, he dissolved a credible opposition before the elections "and" Resist. "

In this general election, during which about 8.3 million voters are registered, 20 party candidates, including the PCP, the ruling party led by Hun Sen, and 19 small and new opposition parties,

Outside C is a democratic general election, but it is in fact a criticism that it is the only one in the world. is a false undemocratic election that seems to win the ruling party's victory.

Hoon, who has ruled Cambodia for 33 years since 1985, forced the first opposition party to dissolve and gag the media, creating a general election victory.

HUNSEN forcibly dissolved the party last November, claiming that his powerful rival, the CNPR, tried to overthrow the government by cooperating with outside powers and banned members from participating in politics.

In addition, Hunsen sent a tax bomb to Cambodia Daily and Phnom Penh Post, which criticized the government and provoked the sale or sale of the tax bomb. Also blocked.

The strong opposition is disappearing, and there is a voice of suspicion that the act of pushing the ballot or the act of voting through the elections will be held.

A Cambodian political scientist, Professor Limogene Besser of Griffith University, Australia, said: "In a parliamentary election, voters are threatened and voters may be forced to vote," he said.

CNRP politicians, who threatened the HUNSEN PCP, which won 68 seats with 55 seats out of a total of 123 seats in the 2013 general election, voted boycotts.

In response, the CPP created an atmosphere that forced voter turnout to be considered "treason."

 Cambodian General Election [로이터=연합뉴스]

General Election Cambodian [로이터=연합뉴스]

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