Summer holidays should take care of hepatitis A moving through food – BizTribune


[비즈트리뷴] Hepatitis A is also called "epidemic hepatitis". Hepatitis A, which occurs in the form of acute hepatitis, is not transmitted by blood such as hepatitis B or hepatitis C, but it is usually transmitted by the foods that enter the human body through the mouth. In summer, it can be caught when you eat shellfish or other seafood, or when you have eaten raw water without eating boiled water, and that shells are over at risk of contracting hepatitis A as sashimi.

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Provided at the Korea Ansan University Hospital

■ Hepatitis A, fatal to immunocompromised persons

Hepatitis A is not a chronic illness like hepatitis B and C and tends to think that she is insignificant in childhood because she is mostly sick like a cold,. However, prevention efforts are important because symptoms can become serious if an adult is infected. Hepatitis A has the highest incidence in people aged 20 to 39 years. According to the Big Data badysis of the Agency for Assessment and Assessment of Health Insurance, a total of 6,522 patients were treated with hepatitis A in 2017 , of whom 20 to 39 years accounted for about 60% of all patients. The reason that hepatitis A affects young people at this young age is because most generations in relatively hygienic environments do not have antibodies against the body and so have no immunity against hepatitis A. However, the incidence of hepatitis A is increasing more and more in people of average age and over: the more l \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ hepatitis A is elderly, the clinical symptoms of hepatitis are severe

■ Similar to a cold, but no runny nose, no cough

The symptoms of hepatitis A are tired at the # Adults with colds, headaches, fever and lack of appetite It continues. Unlike the cold body, it has no runny nose, no cough, very tired, and jaundice appears within a week. Treatment is based on symptom relief, which may be better if you take good care, eat well and get enough rest. The point to note is that you should never do too much. Hepatitis A is rare, but the progression of hepatitis can last for several months.If severe hepatitis develops into severe hepatitis, it can lead to death if liver transplantation does not occur. is not done.

■ Personal hygiene can be prevented by strictly observing

To prevent hepatitis A, you must refrain from eating raw foods, unrefined fruits, old fish and shellfish, boiling water and after you have washed your hands before eating or going to the bathroom, it must be managed. Hepatitis A is highly contagious, it is good for family members of patients who do not have antibodies to be vaccinated against hepatitis A. In addition, people living in groups, medical workers and chronic liver diseases must be immunized. .

It is important to keep in mind that the prevention of hepatitis B is important because the hepatitis A virus is not yet available and that the risk of Acute hepatitis A death increases in patients with chronic liver disease.

Professor Im Hyung-joon, Department of Internal Medicine Ansan Hospital, said: "In the group of 50 years and older, hepatitis A can develop very serious clinical symptoms, but most older people are infected with hepatitis A is immune, however, in an environment where hygiene is improved, one must be cautious because the rate of incidence is very high because most patients in their twenties and thirties having spent their childhood do not have antibodies. "" Hepatitis A has no special treatment We should grant a special attention to urban food intake and personal hygiene. "

[도움말=고려대안산병원 임형준 교수]

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