Summer withdrawal warning, 23% increase in patients compared to five years ago | News / Column | Health stories


In the case of herpes zoster, this is not a disease whose difference in incidence according to the season is clear but recently, shingles increases in summer.
According to data from the Health Insurance Review and Evaluation Service, the number of people who received shingles treatment was 71,144,200 last year, an increase of about 23%
It's a figure. In addition, the number of patients in the summer tends to increase in the monthly aggregate. This is due to excessive cooling and internal and external temperature differences,

  A woman who feels pain on her skin

Shingles is a disease caused by a child who has contracted chickenpox when she was a child, If the chickenpox virus resumes activity when the immune system of the chickenpox The host is compromised,
Illness It can appear in any part of the body, but it often appears on the face and torso. Immunity

A typical symptom is pain, and although it is severe, it can cause convulsive pain even if it is severe only in the neck. The degree of pain varies with age
Generally, older people are more painful, young people have less pain and only have itching.

Since it is common for pain to occur first and the rash appears after 3 ~ 4 days, it is early in neuralgia, muscle pain,
It's easy to misunderstand. At first I went to the orthopedic or oriental medicine clinic with Pars, and I found a late rash (usually blistering).
Dermatology is often the case.

Treatment consists of treating drugs such as antivirals and badgesics well. While taking antiviral drugs, it is better to drink more water than usual.
Because antiviral agents with high bioavailability have been developed, it is not uncommon for hospitalized patients as in the past.

Sufficient rest and good nutrition are also important for the proper treatment of shingles. Above all, his immune status is not good.
As it is reactivated, it is good to refrain from alcohol that rests as much as possible, consumes enough nutrients and decreases immunity.

After 7 to 10 days after blistering, a relatively thick crust will develop and the crust will fall between two and three weeks. After the skin has recovered,
Neuralgia "can occur in a few weeks, if a short, more than 6 months can last.If this is the case,
I'm getting treatment

To prevent herpes zoster, you should not be stressed, avoid excessive consumption of alcohol and overwork, do regular exercise
You must maintain your condition. For adults and infants who have not contracted chickenpox but who are not easily transmitted,

Nowadays, the shingles vaccine has also been developed Two weeks after inoculation, the antibody develops, and the more the antibody is younger, the better it is. About 8 years after inoculation
It is recommended to administer booster doses after 5 years.

Individuals who have been vaccinated against chickenpox with vaccination against shingles, but those who have a varicella vaccine do not need to be vaccinated against shingles. For reference
In Korea, vaccination against chickenpox started in 1988. Even if a vaccine is administered, 100% of the shingles can not be blocked, but if the vaccine is administered,
The pain may be less and the risk of complications such as post-herpetic neuralgia may also be reduced.

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