Syrians invited to register for the promotion of the IS in Korea, charged for the first time


  The bombings that took place in Pakistan on the 13th IS said that they are doing theirs. [EPA=연합뉴스 자료사진]

The bombings that took place in Pakistan in the last 13 days. IS said that they do theirs. [EPA=연합뉴스 자료사진]

In the country, 30 Syrians were delivered at trial to promote the Islamic State (IS), a radical Islamic militia, and join their peers.

This is the first time that the so-called "Anti-Terror Law" of 2016 has been applied and stopped.

Incheon District Attorney's Office (Kim Woo-kyung) recently announced that he had charged A (33), a Syrian who had been sent to the police for violating the anti-terrorism law. for the protection of the public and public safety.

According to the prosecution, Mr. A was recently charged with being allowed to join the IS by showing images made by the Sunni extremist terrorist organization IS to foreign workers such as than the Iraqis in Korea in recent years.
He also sparked IS subscriptions to knowledge via Facebook.

million. A, who came to Korea in 2007, asked for refugees because of the Syrian civil war, but he was not recognized.

After receiving a humanitarian permit from the authorities, he reportedly worked in several garbage dumps in Gyeonggi Province. After arriving in Korea, Mr. A was confirmed to have frequently visited the Middle East, including Syria.

A police officer who received information last year arrested him in a garbage dump in Pyeongtaek last month after a lengthy investigation.

Police A had a promotional video made by the IS organization, and they were involved in the investigation by judging that they were joining the current SI, as the tracking mobile phone locations abroad.

An official of the prosecution said: "The details of the investigation revealed that Koreans could be the target of IS in the Middle East.
D & # 39; on the other hand, the Anti-Terrorism Act requires that a member of a terrorist organization be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of up to five years if he supports or encourages his participation.

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