"Tariff War": the United States will widen its trade deficit … The biggest deficit of the public


The trade deficit of the United States is increasing. The trade deficit increased by about 10% over last year until September this year.

The Commerce Department said the goods and services deficit in September had risen by about $ 700 million, or 1.3 percent, from $ 53.3 billion, or $ 54 billion, to $ 60 billion. billions of dollars.

That's just over $ 53.5 billion, according to experts.

This is the second largest monthly deficit since the launch of the Donald Trump government.

Revenues increased $ 3.8 billion to a record $ 266.6 billion, outpacing export growth ($ 3.1 billion).

Imports of computers, aircraft engines and consumer goods have increased.

Exports of oil and other industrial goods reached record levels, but did not exceed the sharp rise in imports.

The merchandise account deficit was a record $ 76.3 billion.

As a result, the cumulative trade deficit reached $ 447 billion (498 trillion won) in September of this year.

This represents an increase of 10.1% from $ 445 billion last year.

It increased 5.6% over the same period of the previous year to the third quarter of July and September.

The "tariff war" of the Donald Trump administration has a negative impact on the immediate trading front.

In particular, exports of soybeans (beans), for which China has imposed retaliatory tariffs, have decreased by $ 700 million since delivery.

Soybean exports also dropped by $ 1 billion.

The trade deficit with China has reached its highest level ever.

The mbad trade deficit rose from $ 38.6 billion in August to $ 40.2 billion in September.

The trade deficit with the United States has reached $ 314 billion this year.

The trade deficit with Russia was $ 1.7 billion.

This is the largest since May 2013.

The trade deficit with the European Union rose from 15.7 to 10.6 billion dollars.

Ironically, the huge trade deficit reflects the strong fundamentals of the US economy.

Due to strong employment, rising wages and strong growth, the United States boosted domestic consumption and increased demand for imports.

The strength of the dollar is also one of the reasons for the trade deficit.

If the value of the dollar rises, the export price of US products will increase and the price of imports will decrease.

The trade deficit is a negative factor in the growth rate.

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) said it "would have a negative impact on GDP in the third quarter."

(Yonhap News)

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