Thai ship Phuket returned to 33 … 25 missing persons


  Spilled Seneri Tahoe [태국 해양청 제공=연합뉴스]

Spilled Seneri Tahoe [태국 해양청 제공=연합뉴스]

The number of victims of sinking accidents in the waters near Phuket, a famous seaside resort in Thailand, has increased to at least 33 people.

On February 6, the Provincial Office of Disaster Prevention Phuket resumed search near the waters of the accident area and took over the additional 32 villages. The death toll was 33, one of which was found drowned the day before. 25 are still missing.

The authorities suspected the search at sunset and decided to locate the missing persons at 5 am on the 7th.

Of the 58 deaths and disappearances, 56 were found on the PD of Phoenix, while the two others were on the Tahoe yacht from Senegal.

Most of them are Chinese tourists and some members of the local crew would also be included.
[19659008] [19659008] People boarding the sinking ship and saving people [푸켓주 재난방지국 제공=연합뉴스] "data-src =" -a1ea-f94d0e12413d.jpg "/>

People who climbed on the sinking ship and were saved [푸켓주 재난방지국 제공=연합뉴스]

On the 5th, the DP of Phoenix was carrying 105 people including 93 tourists and 12 crew members. A scuba diving excursion on the island of Ratcha, it was overtaken by a wave of 5 meters high and 10 kilometers south of the island of Phuket.

The yacht Tahoe Senegal, where 35 tourists, 5 crew members, 1 guide and 1 photographer boarded up near the island of Maiton, 9 kilometers south of Phuket.

Consul General of the Chinese Embbady in Thailand said that a delegation from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs was going to Thailand to arrange an accident. [19659004] Lee, Jee-young Lee [email protected]

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