The 17-year-old girl, a symbol of resistance, released in 8 months


Palestinian 17-year-old Ahhetta Tammi freed from Israeli jail Sunday (29)

Israel beat Israeli soldiers in occupied West Bank territory,

17-year-old Palestinian woman Ahtat Tamimi was released today (29th) with his mother at the local time and heads for the house in the West Bank of Jordan.

Tamimi's mother was trapped in the same incident.

Tamimi said that she would like to express her feelings during a press conference scheduled during the day, with no special mention to supporters and journalists,

Tamimi, a former US president of 16 years old, Donald Trump,

As the video of these scenes spread across the Internet, the blond curly-haired Tamimi became a symbol of Palestinian resistance.

Before that, Tamimi, with his furious face in front of the Israeli army, punched him and became a hot topic on the Internet in 2012.

Tamimi, arrested for badaulting a soldier Israeli, was tried by an Israeli military court and sentenced to eight months in March.

In recognition of his guilt Following the acceptance of the plea bargain, Tamimi was arrested after being arrested,

After the conviction of the court, the British government and Amnesty International requested the Release of the indictment and imprisonment of Tamimi for conflict with international law.

Tamimi's father, Vasem,

Vasem said that his family will continue his normal life, but there is no other way to keep the occupation and the rest of his life. stop the resistance.

She added that she thought about going to university and studying law.

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