The Anglo-Chinese Foreign Minister Speaks … Possibility of Free Trade Agreement


Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt travels to the United Kingdom … We can not discuss the human rights issue in Hong Kong.

Britain and China have raised the possibility of a British Free Trade Agreement (FTA) after the withdrawal of the European Union (EU).
British Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt met with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi at a bilateral meeting to discuss the issue, according to the Daily Guardian.

At a press conference after the talks, both parties announced that they pledged to support free trade and the response to climate change.

Secretary Hunt said Britain would look for ways to start negotiations on a free trade agreement with China after Breckets.

"China and Britain have very different systems, but they also have a lot in common" The rise of China and the strength of the Chinese economy will play a positive role worldwide, " did he declare.

The Guardian explained that Hunt's visit was made when China was seeking an alliance because of the trade war with the United States.

However, the issue of human rights in Hong Kong was not discussed at this meeting.

"We have a strong consensus in an in-depth debate, but we have a different point of view on human rights," Hunt said.

Hong Kong, formerly British colony, has been granted autonomy according to the principle of "national system", but it is controversial because of the recent suppression of human rights and political freedoms by the Chinese government.

On the Hong Kong issue, Hunt said: "Hong Kong is part of China and the United Kingdom supports the principle of" national sovereignty ", he said," very much applied to China and Hong Kong. "" China does not accept nor accept the involvement of other countries in domestic affairs, "said the Commissioner.

Prime Minister David Cameron and Treasury Secretary George Osborne said that Britain and China had reached "the golden age" when Chinese President Hu Jintao was in power. returned to the UK in 2015

But as the strategic value of Britain has fallen since the referendum, Mr.

Formerly, Prime Minister Teresa Mei went to China in January with a large economic delegation.

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(London-Yonhap News)

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