The best vaccination rate in the world in Korea – Kyungpook Daily


Results of the badysis by the headquarters of the control of diseases, 1.29 million children born in 2014 ~ 2016
Average 2 ~ 9% p in front of Australia, the Kingdom United States and the United States · Gyeongbuk, the national average exceeds

The National Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that the nationwide vaccination rate of children born in 2014 ~ 2016, who was born in 2014 ~ 2016,

The reason the vaccination rate is higher than in other major Korean countries is that it is a private medical institution , including the expansion of the vaccination agency, advice on text messages for guardians, entry into primary and secondary schools

According to the current state of the national rate of vaccination of children, the age-specific vaccination rate was 12 months (born in 2016, 6 species, total 1 (19.69%), 96.6% (94.6%), 94.1% (24.4%) and 24.4 months (201.5 years and 8 species) The vaccination rate against PCV was 96.8%, 17.6% more than the 79.2% recorded in 2013 before free vaccination in May 2014.

Daegu was 94.6% (96.6%) and 24 months (2015 births, 8 species, 21 times total) within 12 months of life (2016, 6 species, total 16 times)

In Gyeongsangbuk-do, 97.3% were born for 12 months (66 born in 2016) and 24 months after birth (2017). 94.9% of respondents reported being the same age as the national average, but 90.8% of them had 36 months (born in 2014, 9 genera, total 23 ~ 24 times) Five vaccines of the same age range The vaccination rate was the highest Korea (96.9%), followed by Australia (95.1%), the United Kingdom (94.0%) and the United States (87.8%).

The five vaccines to be compared were measles, mumps, rubella

The Director of Immunization for Public Emergency Management at the Center for Disease Control, said: "The high rate of childhood immunization in Korea is due to group living, "This means that we have a high-level vaccine protection system capable of preventing epidemics." In order to maintain a high vaccination rate, we are studying the immunization status of vulnerable groups such as low-income and multicultural families, Management System, "he said.

<ⓒ 경북일보 &, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지>

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