The electoral wave of the "explosive package" Parent Trump – Anti Trump that meets


The Republican and Democratic parties are approaching the 11th and 6th mid-term elections with caution, suspects of the bombing by the United States against an explosive pack of "anti-Trump" politicians having identified as supporters of Donald Trump.

This is because of the complex nature of the "double-edged sword", which is very volatile.

Depending on the direction of the wind, this can stimulate the voting sentiments of opposition supporters while inviting all members of the pro-Trump faction.

According to US Congressional media "The Hill" on Monday, the Democratic Party regarded the case as a political terrorist attack on the opposition and was motivated by a violent political climate created by President Trump's savage president , There is.

Trump, meanwhile, is blindfolded in front of his usual target of "false news" – the media – and his supporters hasten to defend him as a "scapegoat".

It is unclear how this will affect the midterm elections, but election strategists considered the issue of Republican elections an integral part of the encroachment.

Economic growth, anti-immigration policies, etc.

Brad Bannon, Democratic strategist, said: "The economic growth rate of 3.5% is very good news for the Republican Party, but who can find the news in the flood of" Pipe Bomb " ? " Everyone is focused on violence and chaos. "He said.

However, it was observed that the incident would not last long since the suspect had already been arrested.

Ron Bongjin, a long-time Republican strategist, said: "The incident will disappear from public consciousness after the weekend," he said. "The circle will be invaded by another series of unpredictable events."

"Hill" blamed Republicans and Democrats for encouraging fear and division in order to reap political benefits from each other.

President Trump pleaded for "unity" and "unity" when the first package of explosives was discovered, but ultimately blamed the media for blaming the incident.

"We have to unite," he said, "but the local media may want it." "Mocked the media.

The Democratic Party also reminds President Trump that he has appointed a federal candidate involved in the badault of journalists in front of his supporters, repeatedly calling on the media to be "the enemy of the people".

"It is wrong to pretend to use the power of the (president's) position to attack the media as". enemy of the United States "and suddenly worry about politeness in the state of Michigan, which was the target of the explosive parcel deal, and criticized President Trump.

The Democrats were expecting the moderate independence party to join the ranks of Trump 's referee.

Democratic strategist Bannon said: "A moderate non-believer who lives in a very nice suburb wanted change but did not want to be confused.The people are nervous and nervous when they vote against the ruling party."

However, some have pointed out that President Trump would turn the defense into an offensive by taking advantage of his talented personality.

It may be a place to call a hidden supporter, the so-called "shy badet", which does not look like the 2016 presidential election.

Republican strategist Bong-jin insisted that "the attack on President Trump by the media will be excessive in the eyes of the voters who support him," he said, adding that the mid-term elections mandate would remind them of their nature.

Trump's voice increases the fact that opposition parties and the media unfairly criticize Trump's president.

Vice President Mike Fence said that President Trump was not responsible for the identity of the suspect as a supporter of President Trump's case, and Senator Ted Cruz, in a radio interview, said : "If you can hit President Trump, I've heard Trump's President.

(Yonhap News / Photo = Getty Images Korea)

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