The German government "Facebook, posts rejected by the Holocaust should block"


German government officials said that CEO Mark Zuckerberg said he could not block the involuntary posters of the Holocaust, saying, "Germany should block related posts . "

In German criminal law, the dissemination of hatred, slander and false information about certain groups such as race, ethnicity, religion and the history of distortion of the Holocaust is punished


German Attorney General Katarina Bali said Thursday, Jan. 19 that "the NetzDG may impose a fine of up to 50 million euros on social media operators who have left these posts for more than 24 hours There is no room for anti-Semitism in Germany, including denial of the Holocaust and linguistic and physical attacks on Jews. "

Minister Balini pointed out that "If you deny the Holocaust, you will be punished."

A spokesman for the Justice Department said that Facebook had to comply with German law,

Foreign Minister Haikomas, who led the Networks Act as a former prosecutor General, said that "we should not be defending anyone who denies the Holocaust."

In an interview with Karla Swisher, co-founder of media co-founder Lee Ching, reported on the professional media computer of the day before, Those who disseminate false information with the l & # 39; intent to attack others

However, he noted that those who deny the Holocaust, for example, will not remove it if they inadvertently display inaccurate information.

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