The last words left by the prisoners of OM True Religion were revealed.



On June 6, 1995, the execution of the main criminals of the Aomori religion, which caused the Sarin gas terrorist incident in the Tokyo subway, was executed. Shoko Asahara, the brain that planned terrorism as the master of the Ohm Shrine, would have made no comment before the execution.

On July 13, according to the Japanese newspaper "Tokyo", one of them is Yoshihiro Inoue. He said to the executioner:

"I did not think it would happen" Mother, thank you father, do not worry about it. "

Nakagawa Tomosawa, who was also executed in as a leader of Aomori Church, said: "I do not blame anyone.I think it's the result of what I've done."

A total of thirteen people were sentenced to death for the crime of Omar Sin-ri.

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