The Ministry of Unification, NHRCK, "Continuous Cooperation"


[Seoul-NewSea] Kim Ji-hoon, the reporter of the Unification Ministry, said on October 30: "The Unification Ministry has continued to cooperate with the NHRCK in response to requests from the NHRCK

Wei Jin, a deputy minister of unification of the Ministry of Unification, said at a regular briefing on the day, "There is nothing to to mention or to evaluate. "

The NHRCK decided on February 26 to investigate the defections of the North Korean restaurant employee to the North Korean Refugee Committee and on the investigation on entry into the country.

In April 2016, the Ministry of Unification issued an emergency report before the general elections of April 2016 and announced that 12 employees and a manager who worked at a North Korean restaurant in China returned home after a collective defection.

At that time, the government announced that he had rejected the policy of not divulging as much as possible the issue of North Korean refugees, which raised suspicions about the intention to create a problem before the elections.

Oheakintana, the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in North Korea, who visited Korea and interviewed some employees, said at a press conference on Oct. 10 that It was necessary to conduct an investigation to clarify the truth.

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