The most common cause of childbirth is "urinary stone abscess" in August.


The heat started. As sweat increases due to warm weather, the body's moisture escapes. As is the midnight snacks season, while the outdoors becomes more active until late, the consumption of high-sodium foods becomes common. In summer, sufficient water consumption and nocturnal abstinence are essential for health care. This is also the most effective way to prevent urinary stones.

Frequent midnight snorting, increased urinary excretion of calcium

Urolithiasis is a disease in which urinary crystals form stones.

Ureteral stones have a higher incidence of males than females, and the incidence of males in the 40-50 years is higher than that of females, but it can be found easily in young and old. the elderly in recent years. Urethral stones are often caused by the enrichment of the urine if the ingestion of water is insufficient.

According to the National Health Insurance Examination and Assessment Service (NHIC), patients begin to increase in May and August (43 637 in 2016/41 885 in 2017)

Symptoms vary by location and the size of the stones and the degree of obstruction of the urinary tract. A typical symptom is pain. The pain from the side is so severe that it is impossible to conduct daily life, and many patients want to enter the emergency room.

"The urinary stone is asymptomatic in the absence of pain and looks like a deadly disease," said Professor Lee Kyung-hyo of the urology department of Kyunghee University Hospital. If left untreated, urinary tract infections leading to urination can lead to urinary tract infections, loss of kidney function and early diagnosis is very important. "

Urethral stones are caused by kidney stones, urethral stones, stones of the bladder, kidney stones and urethral stones are the main problems.

Photo = urinary calculi

Professor Lee Focused on Special Management of Sodium Emissions.

Professor Lee said: "There is a high probability of lithiasis in patients with high blood calcium or uric acidemia" , said Professor Lee.

It is easy to diagnose by CT

Urinary stones, such as urinary incontinence, urinary incontinence, urinary incontinence, l? Urinary incontinence, Can be easily diagnosed by computed tomography (CT) without contrast.The size of the stone can be accurately measured, and it is a useful diagnostic method to determine the degree of hardness before surgery. he There is also intravenous urography (IVP) and abdominal ultrasound that observe the urinary tract after the administration of contrast media

. However, jugular venography has some limitations in patients with insufficient Renal or diabetic,

The number, location and size of stones are very important indicators of treatment. If the size is small, it induces natural release through the drug, but if the size is large, if it is important or if the pain is intense, various methods of treatment can be combined to increase the effect of the treatment

. Unlike the past we have relied on recently, medical technology has developed a very thin endoscopy and a laser to directly access large quantities of stones and remove them at the same time.

"Ureteral stones are often recurrent, so you need enough water to make sure you have at least 2.5 liters of urine a day." Patients diagnosed with large stones or large stones require periodic care and testing,

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