The NST will hold a forum on the construction of the Baekdu Mountain Science Foundation on the occasion of the 31st National Assembly


  Poster of the Science and Technology Forum of Unification
<제12회 통일과학기술연구포럼 포스터>

The National Council of Scientific and Technological Research (NST Chairman Wang Kwang Yeon) hosted the 12th Research Council in Science and Technology Technology Unification (President Choi Hyun-

This forum, co-organized by Kim Sang-min, Kim Jin-pyo, Kim Tae-jin, An Min-suk and Lee Jong-gul, looks for ways to build the scientific base of Baekdu Mountain which will serve as a basis for scientific and technological cooperation.] The opening speech was delivered by the director of the political cooperation department of the Police Research Institute.

Choi Hyun-koo , chairman of the Korean Unification Science and Technology Research Council, will discuss the group of experts and discuss the value and meaning of the scientific basis with respect to the case of the Changbogo Antarctic Scientific Base

The Mon t Paektu is a volcanic eruption phenomenon since 2002, which is of great international interest. Wang Kwang-yun, president of Won-tae Won, said, "The creation of the Baekdu Mountain Science Foundation is an opportunity to advance peace on the Korean Peninsula beyond inter-Korean scientific and technological cooperation. "This forum will be the beginning of the founding of the Baekdu Mountain Scientific Foundation and the foundation of inter-Korean scientific and technological cooperation."

Daejeon = Kim Young-jun, journalist [email protected]

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