The pain is painful


Treatment of Degenerative Arthritis

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▲ Kyung-Tae Kim, Director, Clinic of Orthopedic Surgery, Nasral International Hospital

Degenerative Arthritis is a Disease typical geriatric. There is a difference of degree, and when he gets older, no one can escape. When you go up and down the stairs, your knees are seated and you sit and tense on your knees to get up, and when you go to bed you are tired, and when the rain comes, your knees are swollen and your pain is painful

Degenerative arthritis is a disease in which articular cartilage is progressively damaged by degenerative changes, resulting in bone, cartilage, ligament damage, inflammation and pain. The diagnosis can be made by radiography and can be divided into four stages depending on the degree of cartilage damage.

In the early stages of degenerative arthritis (stage 1), there is no major inconvenience in daily life, but in the intermediate stage (stages 2 and 3), the situation evolves rapidly . Particularly in the third stage, articular cartilage is increased to more than 50% of normal, and the joints are stiff and swollen, which makes pain even when walking on flat ground. At the end of stage 4 of arthritis, normal walking is not possible, the knee flexes and knees flex and the knee flexes, so that the muscles of the lower body and lower back muscles become more painful and unable to lead daily life

There is no nerve cell in the cartilage, and even if it is damaged, the pain is not serious and the appropriate treatment time may miss.

When the initial treatment fails, the patient falls ill. The treatment for degenerative arthritis is that the diseased articular cartilage is treated with a thicker and more resistant young joint cartilage, but unfortunately there is no such treatment yet. Therefore, treatment should focus on reducing pain and maintaining joint function through symptom treatment.

Treatment of general degenerative arthritis initially involves a drug with badgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, conservative therapies such as physiotherapy, exercise therapy, phlebotomy, extracorporeal shockwave therapy to reduce joint pain and strengthen muscles are performed and progress is observed. However, if the pain worsens after such treatment, doctors usually recommend surgical treatment.

Nowadays, however, injection therapy has been newly developed before surgery and has shown good results. Gene injection therapy can be performed at a medical facility certified by the Gene Therapy Center for Disease Control, which directly injects a gene therapy agent into the ultrasound joint without surgery.

Gene injection therapy has the effect of improving the immune environment of joints to block inflammation and relieve pain and improve function. If this is done properly by a medical team with sufficient experience and know-how, patients can escape the pain with the so-called "injected room". However, it is very important that the specialist be treated after an accurate diagnosis because the effect is insignificant at the 4th stage where the degenerative change is severe.

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