The post-war order "shakes" Trump … NATO strikes and kisses Russia


NATO Summit "security alliance, pay off debt"

"NATO-based group defense is already weakened" … Putin and his nervous allies at the top

US President Donald Trump, who is doing diplomacy "My Way," brandished NATO (NATO Treaty Organization), which played a role in defending of the international order since the Second World War.
Mr Trump, who has already complained several times to NATO member states, now sees a "crack" in the NATO security alliance, which has lasted 69 years old.

US President Trump attends the NATO Summit in Brussels, Belgium, on November 11-12, and meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland on October 16, UK. to December 15th.

This is a "unique" line of visits to the alliance, NATO and Russia, which is a potential enemy, and President Trump will agitate NATO, a system of traditional collective security, and will establish a close relationship with Russia,

The British Guardian newspaper says that European leaders before the NATO summit are preparing for the worst in a frustrating day, local media reported Tuesday (local hour).

Although President Trump's pressure to increase his defense costs has provided some explanations, the real problem is that President Trump could delay his participation in the NATO exercise or delay the deployment of troops and equipment.

NATO, after the Second World War, was launched in 1949 against the former Soviet Union, the United States, Canada, and Western Europe, and is now an alliance security involving most of Europe. It has been recognized as a security umbrella for Europe and currently has 29 member countries.

The key to maintaining the alliance is the NATO Treaty, which contains principles of collective security. This is an attack on individual member countries as an attack on the whole and responds immediately. As a result, he left Europe for Afghanistan for the first time since the crisis of September 11, 2001.

However, President Trump has called the alliance of NATO since the time of the presidential candidate, and revealed a negative position.

The old European alliances that were built long ago repeated the "security" saying that they owe it to the United States.

At the NATO summit last year, a controversy arose because it did not declare compliance with Article 5 of the treaty.

As soon as he arrived on European soil, many NATO countries did not keep their promise to spend 2% of their GDP on defense, claiming that "the accumulated costs are also behind schedule." since many years".

Of the 29 member countries of NATO, only the United States, Greece, the United Kingdom, Estonia, Romania and Poland spent more than 2% of GDP on spending defense. France posts 1.79%, Germany 1.22%, Italy 1.13% and Spain 0.92%.

Although there is a trade dispute with the European Union (EU), there is a voice that underlines the possible weakening of the security alliance by shaking the air. 39; NATO.

President Trump struggled with other member countries at the G7 summit in Canada last month, resulting in the resolution of the US trade deficit.

Trump, who advocates the "American priority", brandishes the international order not only in the economy but also in security.

Compared to the G7 noise, which deals mainly with economic issues, it is emphasized that the plosive shrapnel of the security alliance is incomparably serious.

The Washington Post reported that the NATO alliance is seeing substantial damage because of President Trump's anger.

The fact that there is no doubt about the will of the collective defense means that Russia and the other enemy countries are repressed because of the criticism of President Trump's alliance .

The fact that President Trump participates in this summit is remarkable with regard to the biggest enemy of NATO, Putin, and the only summit.

According to the working group, there is a cynical joke about whether President Trump is allied with Russia at European prices.

President Trump also raised controversy at the G-7 summit, demanding that he return Russia, which was expelled from the G8 summit after the annexation of Crimea. I think that improving relations with Russia is beneficial for the US national interest and global profits.

At the top, there is concern that NATO's security can be improved to improve relations with Russia.

Russia collided with Europe due to the merger of Ukraine and the Syrian civil war, and recent attempts to badbadinate double spies in Britain.

Before his trip to Europe, President Trump told President Putin, "I can not say now about his friend, but he is a competitor."

He said, "Honestly, Putin is the easiest opponent, "he said," it's good to get along with Russia, to get along well with China and to have good to hear with other countries ".

It's a cool contrast to the icy look of European allies that has been repeated.

European American allies wonder if President Trump will tolerate the merger of Russian Crimea in 2014.

As Ukraine abandoned its past nuclear weapons and promised to protect the US territory, the WP pointed out that if Trump did not question the merger of the Crimea, the authority NATO morale could be reached.

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(Seoul-Yonhap News)

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