The relationship with the EU after the Breck … The British position in the white paper (CJ, Female)


The British government issued a "Briefsheet" on its position on how to build a future relationship with the European Union after Britain's withdrawal from the European Union.
The over 100 white papers were on the most concrete plans of the British government for the Brettschaft, based on the agreement reached at a ministerial meeting held at the Prime Minister's residence on 6 June.

The British government stated in its white paper that it was pursuing a "substantial principles-based roadmap".

The white paper aims to "respect the public decision and referendum results that want to regain control of UK jurisdiction, borders and capital," and the publication of the white paper should strengthen bargaining efforts .

He also pointed out that the new relations between Britain and the EU should offer wider possibilities than any relationship that the EU has with third countries.

What follows is the British position of the sector by the white paper.

◇ Commodity Trade = The White Paper suggested that the United Kingdom and the EU establish a free trade area that would maintain a common regulatory framework to maintain free trade in agricultural, aquatic and agricultural products. food.

By eliminating tariffs, quotas and proof of origin, we had planned that the current integrated supply chain and timely supply system could be safeguarded. The white paper was the automotive industry as a specific area.

He also explains that border control at the Irish and Northern Irish border can also be avoided.

When establishing a joint technical committee, both parties agreed to adopt new regulations, and Congress had a veto over them.

The British government hoped to establish a free trade area with the EU and a commodity sector, while concluding an independent trade agreement with third countries.

Simplified Customs Arrangement = A strengthened tariff arrangement has been proposed as an alternative after the withdrawal of the EU Customs Union.

According to this document, the United Kingdom will eventually apply the EU's tariff and trade policy to products destined for the EU, and the customs tariff if the UK is the final destination.

If the final destination is not clear, it is expected that the highest duty rate on both sides will be applied first and then settled after confirmation of the destination.

◇ Trade in Services = The White Paper believes that the United Kingdom will have limited access to the EU market in order to extend its autonomy in the service sector in the future.

He says that a new agreement is needed in the service sector.

Although the details are not given, it is the position that should be based on the principle of international trade and the previous EU trade with other countries.

The White Paper predicts that a "financial pbadport" scheme, which allows the free sale of financial products and services to EU member countries, once approved by a single country, will no longer be possible.

However, as US, Japanese and Chinese financial institutions have entered into a bilateral agreement to secure market access while maintaining European regulation, it is necessary to have an agreement between the United Kingdom and the EU. .

Jurisdiction = The jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) is terminated and English courts have the authority to resolve disputes. However, the UK intends to respect as much as possible the case of the ECJ.

◇ Live and Move = When the UK leaves the EU, freedom of movement is also limited. The White Paper decided that Parliament would decide policies related to migration, but would pursue a new system of residential migration.

It will help companies to send employees to both regions and allow citizens to travel without a visa or to make a short trip.

The goal is to ensure that students do not have to worry about studying abroad.

◇ Security Cooperation = White Paper says Britain and the EU want to share data and information to protect citizens even after Brettsite

He also suggested plans to stay in Europe, such as EuroPort, as well as the European arrest warrant.

◇ Standards and Competition = The United Kingdom has stated that it wants the British Standards Institute (BSI) not to adopt European and other standards. He said that he would follow the rules and share the costs instead of continuing to join the EU bodies in the fields of chemistry, aviation and medicine.

In the areas of the environment and employment, both parties must maintain a high standard of regulatory standards and emphasize that a system of cooperation should be established with respect to the rules. competition.

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(London-Yonhap News)

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