The second week of Yosemite National Park in the wild … Eventually closed



Yosemite National Park, a typical tourist attraction of the western United States, was closed for two weeks. This is the first time in 30 years.


Firewood is pulverized, firefighter helicopters dump the stretched water, but the fire continues.

Yosemite National Park is closed with the Ferguson Forest Fires from March 13th.

Forest fires began in the southwest of the park for two weeks,

Park area is more than 10 times that of Yeoido

[마이클 레이놀즈/공원 감독관 : 공원 안에 불도저 진입을 승인했을 정도로 총력을 기울여서 (산불) 진압에 나선 상황입니다.]

The road to Park is partially covered

Yosemite National Park is a popular tourist destination with over 600,000 visitors each year during the summer vacation season, with tens of thousands of tourists coming to the park because of the park closure.

"He said.

Ferguson burned 150 square kilometers up to now

There are about 3,000 firefighters on the scene, but the wind is blowing constantly in hot, dry weather, and is difficult to evolve.

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