"The storms …" Bindari & # 39; imminent landing craze sunbeam


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The archipelago of Japan , which has suffered heavy losses due to heavy rains and heat waves, is now a hurricane with a typhoon.

According to the Japanese Meteorological Agency, the typhoon "

According to the typhoon, the Kanto region, like Tokyo, Tokai and Kinki, will be the same day as the day before, There was a lot of rain from the night.

The typhoon is likely to be hit by rainfall of more than 80 mm per hour en route, according to the typhoon landing.

Typhoon, starting at 8 pm,

The pressure atmospheric pressure is 965 hPa (hectolitic), the maximum wind speed in the vicinity of the center is 40 m and the maximum instantaneous wind speed is 55 m at a speed of 40 km / h around 390 km in the south East of Hachijojima Within 130 km of the center of the typhoon, a windstorm of 25 meters or more is blowing.

  Unusual Course of Typhoon Bari (CG)

Unusual Course of Typhoon Bari (CG) [연합뉴스TV 제공]

The KMA reported that this typhoon is an unusual course in the west, unlike a normal typhoon in the Northeast direction.

As a result of the typhoon, projected rainfall will reach 400 mm in the Tokyo metropolitan area and up to 300 mm in the Midwest region by 6 pm on the 29th.

Typhoon s 39 Approaching Japan The airline and other carriers have suspended flights to the Midwest region, including Kinki and Chubu.

It is reported that some sections will be closed even on the 29th.

 [일본 기상청 홈페이지 캡처=연합뉴스]

[일본 기상청 홈페이지 캡처=연합뉴스]

[email protected]

2018/07/28 09:24 dispatch

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