The summer intestine, the warning of irritable bowel syndrome … What is the best way to treat a stomach?


[사진제공 : 성지한방내과한의원]

[사진제공 : 성지한방내과한의원]

While record temperatures continue to rise in recent days, with Seoul's highest temperature reaching 38 degrees, more and more people are looking for fresh food and drinks all day to gain warmth . However, it is good to pay attention to the selection of foods because the number of patients with enteritis will increase especially in summer when the temperature rises and the bacteria grow well and the food is overcooked.

First of all, intestinal symptoms of summer are characterized by symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea within hours of consuming the wrong food. In case of diarrhea caused by enteritis, even if we eat food or diet food, many symptoms do not improve, so we need a fundamental treatment rather than waiting. the effectiveness of lactic acid bacteria or their effectiveness.

▲ In particular, it is not digested, it burns gas and it is thick ▲ Stomach painful when it is stressed ▲ Saddle released or loosened ▲ It is not fresh even after have seen bowel movements ▲ Diarrhea is common after eating alcohol and spicy foods. There is a lot of noise in the streets ▲ It does not work even if you eat Gyosa, Lactobacillus and health food ▲ When the weather is cold, the stomach often gets sick and the stomach is cold . It is easy, so it is recommended to take active treatment.

In the summer, it can be helpful to treat the bowel easily or to treat bowel syndrome. In the case of the Oriental Medicine Clinic, the 15 kinds of herbal medicines help normalize bowel movement itself through "stomach irritation" which strengthens the weakened colon.

Woo Sung-ho, director of the Oriental Medicine Clinic, said: "The number of patients suffering from enteritis, irritable bowel syndrome in the summer is booming, so it is best not to eat foods that are usually kept or spoiled. "It is important to increase intestinal function after the treatment of enteritis."

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