The Third Meeting of the Panmunjom Declaration Promotion Committee … Follow-up Action Tracking


The Blue House will hold the third meeting of the Implementation Committee of the Panmunjom Declaration in the afternoon of 19 and will verify the status of implementation of the contents agreed by both Korea at the Inter-Korean Summit of 27 April. Held … An official from Cheong Wa Dae told reporters: "We will hold a meeting of the Cheong Wa Dae Municipal Government Implementation Committee under the chairmanship of President Roh Jong-seok and we will review the progress of the Panmunjom Declaration. " 19659004] The meeting took place in a month after the second meeting on the 15th of last month. In particular, it is expected that discussions will take place on the progress of follow-up negotiations between the United States and North Korea after the June 12 summit in Singapore, including the issue of repatriation of the US military. .

The preparatory meeting for the summit for the inter-Korean summit was held on May 3, when it was reorganized into the Implementation Committee of the Panmunjom Declaration. At the first meeting, the management of the operating committee was decided.

After the second meeting held last month, South-North general-level military negotiations were held in the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea

Seong Hyun-hee Cheong Dae Wa / journalist specializing in politics [email protected]

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