The United States is back … South Korea demands a "partial exemption"


[앵커] We will look at the movements of the South and the North, which are now occupied by the question of North Korean denuclearization. First of all, the atmosphere of the United States is to tighten the reins of pressure. We would have asked the United States for partial sanctions against North Korea. There are also observations that there is a nervous breakdown between North Korea and the United States due to the controversy over the import of North Korean coal.

Choi Ji-won reports

[리포트] that the US Congress needs additional sanctions against North Korea. "I do not know what happened in Singapore, but there is no other way than to strengthen the sanctions against North Korea," said Democratic Senator Ben Kaddin. of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Mike Pompei, Secretary of State He also insisted that all actions that would generate significant revenue for the regime should be stopped.

Mike Pompei, US Secretary of State (June 20, 2010)
"If the sanctions are not enforced, the prospects of a successful North Korean denuclearization will weaken."

However, Foreign Minister Kang Sung-hwa said he met with members of the UN Security Council and mentioned the need to waive partial sanctions against North Korea. It is said that the United States is monitoring the situation of North Korean coal imported into Korea from the third country.

He is also subtle in the calendar of the visit to the United States.

Ji-yong Lee / Cheong Wa Dae Security Officer
"(What did you talk to Mr. John Bolton about importing North Korean coal?)

Chung plans to visit the United States at a time when relations between Korea and the United States are important.

A senior Blue House official said: "Chung may have forwarded Korea's complaints of North, such as sanctions against North Korea. "

* Reportage: E-mail ([email protected]), KakaoTalk (TV report), Telephone (1661-0190)

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