The Unusual Suspect Suspect Festival in the United Kingdom opens in Seoul


The Seoul Metropolitan Government will hold the 2018 Unusual Suspect Suspect Festival Seoul, which will be open to all citizens of Seoul from the 1st to the 3rd of next month. He said.

The Unusual Suspect festival started in the UK in 2014 with the aim of generating a dialogue between social innovation actors in different areas that they have not always been able to meet.

The event will kick off in London, England, in 2014 and will be held in Seoul this year, having crossed Glasgow in 2015, Northern Ireland in 2016 and London in 2017.

In 2016, in Northern Ireland, the topic of conflict integration was examined as there is a conflict between Catholics and Protestants. In 2017, in London, one year after the BREC SEAT (British withdrawal from the European Union), the theme of "unexpected connection with social change" was addressed in diversity, membership and the 39, urban identities.

The city has attracted this event in that it reflects the process and achievements that have broadened the discourse on social innovation over the past six years.

49 collaborators (public relations and private sector), such as the social innovation promotion team, the youth hub, the social innovation center of Hanyang University, the KRIKINDY Center, Public Ground and 10 personal partners will participate in this event. They will have 27 places for 3 days in 10 spaces in Seoul, including the Seoul Innovation Park.

On the 1st floor of the Seoul Innovation Park's Imagination Room, on the 1st of next month, the event will be held on the theme "How can we design a more collaborative and inclusive city? ? Participants will examine the experiences of Toronto, Portugal, Lisbon, Hong Kong Social Lab and the city of Suncheon in Korea. I wonder how to create a creative and regenerative city.

On top of that, there are other parents who dream of wobbling, of the generation and disappearance of start-ups that are seen and disappearing, and of badual and badual abuse problems. badual abuse in our society. A living community ▲ A story about vegetarian life ▲ The future of Seoul imagined by children ▲ A day without a workplace ▲ A gardening activity for the transformation of an ecological city ▲ A woman who tries to solve the problem of online prostitution of young people and the history of program developers.

Any citizen wishing to participate can participate for free upon prior request. Each conversation will take place in different parts of Seoul, so you will be able to view the detailed program of the topic that interests you and the venue of the meeting on the official website (

Kim Myoung-ju, head of social innovation, said, "Social innovation begins by solving in different ways the problems encountered in everyday life." The city of Seoul is an open space where people can talk about topics that interest them for three days. I hope that many citizens will be able to participate in the festival of dialogue. "

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