The Uranium Facility of North Korea is located in Pyongyang,


The location of the Kangson complex, known as the secret enrichment facility of North Korea, is the Chunrima District outside of Pyongyang and the magazine of American diplomatic diplomacy & # 39; Diplomat & # 39; reported on 13

Diplomat, with the Center for Nonproliferation at the Middlebury Institute for International Studies, was able to identify the location of the steel runway complex, and the US government officials confirmed it.

According to the diplomatic report, the steel wire complex is located at the eastern end of the Chollima region. It is about 1 km from the highway connecting Pyongyang and Nampo.

It began to be built in the early 2000s.

The Kangseon complex was built around a large building supposed to contain the main cascade of gas centrifuges, and the main hall of the building has a estimated size 110mx50m.

It is not certain that there is a separate underground installation

Diplomat said that "North Korea may have exploited the installation of gas centrifuge for the first time times on the steel ship. "


This diplomatic report shows that North Korea has participated in uranium enrichment activities in addition to Yongbyon, adding," It is important to note that Pyongyang has been conducting for nearly 10 years of uranium enrichment activities in Pyongyang.

The Washington Post (WP), a day in advance, Although the enrichment facility has been known outside Yongbyon to date, the US intelligence service reported that there was also a secret uranium enrichment facility in the "Gangseon & # 39; since 2010 and that the enrichment rate was doubled compared to Yongbyon

. The New York Times (NYT) quoted the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) in Washington as saying that the Yongbyon uranium enrichment plant was known as the name of power plant "Kangsong".

ISIS estimates that this plant has produced thousands of centrifuges and that it has produced significant amounts of nuclear grade uranium since it has been operating for several years

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