The winner of the $ 770 billion won Powerball … "Wellness Foundation will be established"


Lerin West, winner of a $ 688 million Power Ball. (Source: CBS Capture US) © News1

One of the winners of Powerball, which received $ 688 million, was unveiled Thursday.

According to CBS, the Lottery Management Committee of Iowa announced that Leryn West, 51, of Redfield, was one of two winners of the October Powerball winner.

A single mother with three children, he worked for a health insurance company. He began working as a Procurement Analyst last September, but retired after winning the Powerball Award.

West receives the winnings with the winners in New York. He opted for an instant payment of 181 billion dollars (about 222.7 billion won) of taxes and deductions.

West explained the winner of the lottery at the press conference. He bought the lottery ticket at his sister's "special day" where he moved for the first time.

I was thinking of putting my lottery card in my wallet, but I accidentally dropped it at the bottom of my sister's car. Because of that, I could not confirm the number immediately after winning the number.

West received a Powerball photo of her sister and she appeared on the Iowa Lottery website. I've entered a number, but nothing matches.

"I said it would be red if the winning number was correct, but nothing was red," West said. "I entered the wrong date."

The situation changed after the revised date. "It was a red jackpot," said West, "I thought I was doing something wrong again." He broke the 292 million mark and won the Powerball.

When West realized that he was winning the Powerball, he immediately sent a message to his sister: "Take the ticket with your ticket and come here.

West said that he had always dreamed of winning the lottery. However, he said: "When I won the prize, I felt the responsibility and the influence of my actions." "My life has completely changed."

West plans to use the earnings for his family and friends.

He also plans to lay the foundation for solving problems such as poverty, hunger, education and animal welfare in the honor of his grandson, born premature of 24 weeks and having lived and breathed for a day.

"I'm going to buy a car big enough to burn the six grandchildren," he said.

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