The world that leans to the right … "


[서울=뉴스핌] The global political terrain is tinged with the right, because Merkel, who represents the free world, is lagging behind and Trump's era, labeled as nationalism and protectionism, has emerged.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has been a "Western leader" over the past 13 years, led the Christian Democratic Party (CDU) He said he would be absolved from his post as prime minister.

In Brazil, the politicians who inspired President Donald Trump's right-wing politics in the world, including the birth of a far-right government when the 30-year leftist government withdrew and Zaire Bouzonaru, the so-called "Trump of Brazil".

The US television channel CNN said that the world political landscape was leaning to the right and that "Merkelism is on the rise".

The resignation of Merkel is due to the decline of the ruling coalition in this year's local elections, while its emigration and emigration policy has led to internal conflicts. But from a more macroscopic point of view, Merkel's departure raises fears that the value of democracy in the West will not diminish much.

If Merkel, elected to the party since 2000 and resigned as prime minister in 2005, led the European policy towards the eurozone debt crisis and the refugee crisis in 2015, the British withdrawal from the EU (Breck Sheet), Italy It is feared that the European Union will face political turmoil as a result of the financial crisis and turmoil of the EU, which are worried about the possibility of the European Union. populism in the parliamentary elections next year.

In addition to the preferences and protectionism of President Trump in the United States, Merkel, who has balanced the value of democracy with conservative and progressive values, as the ultimate obstacle to mastering Russian influence, is to fear that the political terrain is largely devoted to the right.

Merkel, who has played a leading role in issues such as the Greek debt crisis and Russia's invasion of Ukraine, has already been weakened and, at the same time, the confidence of the system of existing parties, radical radicalism of left or right,

In Italy, the coalition party "Alliance" and the dissident political party "Oseong Movement" form the coalition government. In Hungary, Prime Minister Viktor Orban, based on a right-wing anti-political party In Germany, while political unrest persisted in the confusion within the ruling coalition, voters favoring the misery of immigrants turned to AfD for Germany and voters in favor of the immigration embargo have turned to the Greens.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced her candidacy for the next general election at a press conference after the presidency of the ruling Christian Democratic Party. [사진=로이터 뉴스핌]

Since Merkel's departure, political unrest has occurred in the United States, Central and South America, and even in India, and President Trump has become a beacon.

Bouznarou, who won the overwhelming victory in the Brazilian presidential election, was elected with the support of the people tired of the corruption of the leftist government. He pledged to fill the top positions in the government with military leaders, the Supreme Court with right-wing judges, and threatened to withdraw the statute, saying that it would make a difference at all costs .

He also said that parents should be punished for badual punishment and that the right-wing military dictatorship, which ruled Brazil from 1964 to 1985, should have executed more rebels and a more powerful use of force. I must say that I should have been more strongly opposed to the rush of the media.

In an interview in 1999, Congress insisted that this declaration was unnecessary and needed to be dissolved. In 2016, he paid tribute to an officer who had headed a counseling center during the dictatorship.

Right-wing parties and leaders from around the world, including Bowsonaru, are victorious under the inspiration of Trump's policy. Mr. Trump was the first person in the world to make congratulatory calls after the election of Bossonaru.

In the United States, Brazilian voters finally opted for Bowsonaru, even as explosive packages had been delivered to anti-Trump fighters and genocide had occurred in the Jewish chapel.

Following Merkel's withdrawal, the extreme upheavals of European politics are contemporaneous with the political changes in the United States and Latin America, reinforcing the badysis that the global political landscape is evolving into extreme populism.

Zaire Bowsonaru [사진= 로이터 뉴스핌]

[email protected]

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