The worst forest fire in Greece … At least 74 people have died


  The damage is spreading due to forest fires outside of Athens, Greece. Appearance of the firefighter in the evolution of fire. [AP=연합뉴스]

Forest fires spread outside Athens, spreading damage. Appearance of the firefighter in the evolution of fire. [AP=연합뉴스]

The worst forest fires in Greece killed more than 70 people.

A spokesman for the spokesman of the Greek fire department, Starbrilla Malileri, said the number of raft deaths in the coastal city of Athens on the northeast coast of Athens is from 50 to 50. About 200 people are injured, including 23 children. Dozens of them were reported to have been seriously injured.

CNN reported that fires were the worst wildfires in the country with the highest number of casualties in Greece. It is also observed that if we consider missing persons, the number of deaths will exceed 100. More than 60 people were killed in 2007 when the Peloponnese peninsula was burned.

  Fires are on the roads in the northeastern part of Athens where the fire broke out. [EPA=연합뉴스]

A fog on the roads in the northeastern part of Athens, Greece, where the fire occurred, [EPA=연합뉴스]

The New York Times reported that "fires from Forest occur each year in Greece, but the highest temperatures, droughts and temperatures above 38 degrees have caused the worst wildfires for more than a decade.

The mayor of Evangelos Burnos, Rafina, said that at least 1,500 houses in the town of Rafina had been completely burned down. It is said that thousands of victims were evacuated from a sudden fire in a wind of 100 kilometers. Marti, famous for the resort, found 26 dead at once in front of the beach, and the whole village was turned to ashes.

  Saturday (March 24), the vehicle was set on fire by a forest fire in Marti, near the city of Athens, Greece. [EPA=연합뉴스]

A car pulled from a martyr near the Greek city of Athens, Saturday, April 24. [EPA=연합뉴스]

In the course of the forest fire, 600 firefighters, 300 vehicles and helicopters were mobilized, but the flames spread rapidly, and it is difficult to evolve.

The authorities declared an emergency situation and requested the help of the European Union. The three days have been designated as "National Day of Mourning".

  Prime Minister Alexis Chipras, who was visiting Bosnia, canceled his program and returned home urgently after the spread of the forest fire. [EPA=연합뉴스]

Prime Minister Alexis Chipras, who was visiting Bosnia, canceled his schedule and returned home urgently as the damage from the fire spread. [EPA=연합뉴스]

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Chipras stopped visiting Bosnia and returned to his country, calling for help from the European Union (EU), while urging the people not to to be united and alert.

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