"The worst rains" to declare a candidate for governorship … "I also hit the stone"


An official belonging to the Hosoda party belonging to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on March 13 will not be able to express his candidacy if the response to the torrential rains is not over. It is said in the newspaper Nihon Keizai Shimbun. Abe is closely monitoring the damage caused by heavy rains in western Japan.

The Japanese government announced Monday that the number of victims of heavy rains was 232 (204 dead, 28 missing). It is expected to be the largest flood after the Nagasaki flood in 1982, when 299 people died.

Abe canceled his trip to the Middle East and Europe scheduled for November 11 after suffering heavy rains in western Japan, and suspended all local travel.

 Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe looks at the victims of the recent westerlies in a helicopter on the 11th. [사진 총리관저 인스타그램 캡처]

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe looks at the victims of the winds New West in a helicopter on the 11th. [사진 총리관저 인스타그램 캡처]

  Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe keeps silent about the residents who lost their lives in the flood waters in search of the prefecture. Ehime the 13. [로이터=연합뉴스]

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe keeps silent about the residents who lost their lives in the flood waters in search of the Ehime prefecture on the 13th. [로이터=연합뉴스]

However, the 5th May, Abe and his ministers attended a dinner in the House of Representatives. Kiyoshi Kishida, chairman of the board of directors, Minoru Onodera, Yoko Kamikawa and Wataru Takeshita, chairman of the board of directors, attended the ceremony. It was the time when a shelter and advice were given to 160,000 people in three prefectures of western Japan.

On the 13th, the Tokyo newspaper of the 13th said: "The Meteorological Agency has severely warned the rainy record and has organized an unusual meeting on the evening of the press conference and has set up a counter headquarter -measures three days later.He said: "Are you fully ready to respond to the heavy rain?"

Deputy Secretary General of the Government, Yasutoshi Nishimura, who posted a photo of the problem on Twitter, s & # 39 is excused for the plagiarism of the 12th, but this also gave way to criticism.Nishimura said: "When a disaster caused by a heavy rain occurred on the weekend, I hurt myself understood as if I had eaten a meal and made many people uncomfortable, thoughtful and apologetic, "he said," I apologize for that "(The Tokyo Shimbun) gave it to me.

 Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (second from left of first row) is criticized for having a drink with fellow legislators in the House of Representatives of the House of Representatives, Nishimura Secretary Chief Executive, who is a participant in the drink, puts his drink on his Twitter. [연합뉴스]

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (first row on the left) was criticized for having a drink with his fellow lawmakers in the House of Representatives of the House of Representatives, Nishimura Secretary of the Chief Cabinet, who is a participant in drink, put his drink on his Twitter. [연합뉴스]

Abe visited Ehime Prefecture, where 28 victims were killed (26 dead, two missing persons). This is the second trip to Okayama on the 11th. Prime Minister Abe expressed his willingness to implement the early stages of the government's early action, and decided to implement a total of 35 billion yen (about 349.3 billion won) in 59 affected areas early in the day.

Abe was to announce his intention to run for president on the 22nd, when the regular session of the National Assembly will be finalized. However, in this situation, it is reported that the government decided to run in the presidential election and that it is possible to confront the view that "disregard the disaster area" is in danger.

On the 11th of next month, Mr. Abe may express his candidacy for the "general election campaign contest" in Yamaguchi prefecture, which is the hometown of the prime minister, or delayed if the second incident occurs in the area. disaster. "(Hosoda Takafumu) also speaks.

 The victims of the disaster were transported by the police rescue team and the self-defense forces on the 9th in Kumano region, in Hiroshima prefecture, where landslides were recorded. [EPA=연합뉴스]

The victims were found in the wreckage of a police rescue team and the Self-defense forces collapsed on 9th in the Kumano region in Hiroshima prefecture where landslides were recorded. [EPA=연합뉴스]

  In Hiroshima, where heavy rains caused the most casualties in West of Japan, cars are buried in the mud. [EPA=연합뉴스]

In Hiroshima Prefecture, which caused the most casualties due to heavy rains in western Japan, the cars are buried in the mud. [EPA=연합뉴스]

While the damage caused by the strong Rains in western Japan will not be a critical factor for Abe's "three-lane highway" In recent polls, Abe's popularity rating rebounded and, in June, the candidate of the ruling party was elected in Niigata prefecture.

However, there is some impatience that if Abe signs a delay, Prime Minister Abe will have less time to invest in vulnerable provinces. Even in the 2012 elections, Mr. Abe won first place in the National Assembly, but he was pushed by his rival, Shigeru Ishiba, at a local vote.

The damage caused by the torrential rain in western Japan also affects the functioning of the governors of the other members. Senator Ishiba, who was targeting Prime Minister Abe's race as "challenger", is also looking at the time. Ishiba said: "There is a lot of damage caused by torrential rains, and earthquakes in the metropolitan area and in the Nankai troposphere are expected in the future.

Another strong leader, President Kiyoshi Kishida, postponed the planned feudal workshop for the end of this month. Hiroshima Prefecture, the home of President Kishida, is expected to have more than 100 casualties (81 dead, 43 missing, 13 days old) due to rain.

Tokyo, Korean correspondent [email protected]

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