There are no shaking hands and all speeches are private … "strong rebid" day Ambassador in Japan –


Entry 2018.10.30 20:12
| Revision 2018.10.30 21:07

Foreign Minister Konodaro answers questions from journalists since he was sentenced to forced labor. / Mainichi Newspaper

The Japanese government has protested strongly against the June 30 Supreme Court ruling by calling on Korea's ambbadador to Japan, Lee Soo-hoon. The Korean Ambbadador to Japan was called to the Japanese Foreign Ministry following the visit of President Lee Myung-bak to Dokdo in August 2012, but it would only be six years later that the new ambbadador to Japan.

According to the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper, Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Konodo said on Monday that the Supreme Court had ruled that Shin Il-cheol, of the Supreme Court of Japan, was to pay 100 million won to each victim of torture. forced eviction. It was superficial.

According to diplomatic sources, the meeting between Kono and the ambbadador lasted 15 minutes. When the Foreign Minister officially meets the ambbadador, he shakes hands, but the same day, Kono's Foreign Minister said that he had not asked for a handshake.

The ambbadador said that the ambbadador and the foreign minister should make a statement to the press, but the Foreign Ministry asked reporters to make a statement after Gono's remarks on the plan, News says.

"Today's ruling by the Supreme Court of Korea is a violation of the Korea-Japan jurisdictional agreement, which constitutes a full and final settlement of the complaint," Kono said. It was a violation of the unfair disadvantage of Japanese companies, friendly relations, "he said.

"It is impossible in the common sense of the international community for the rule of law to be applied," he said. "The Korean government should take steps to not harm Japanese businesses and citizens." "I was trying to make Korea-Japan relations look forward to the future, but I'm sorry to say that to the ambbadador today." .

After meeting with Foreign Minister Koenichi, the ambbadador told reporters that he "had listened to the Japanese government's position and explained the position of the Korean government."

This was the first time in six years that the new ambbadador to Japan was invited by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in August 2012, when former President Lee Myung-bak went to Dokdo in August 2012. In response to the ruling of the National Justice, Japan's ambbadador to Japan would be unprecedented in Japanese justice.

The Japanese Foreign Ministry said that it had set up an "employment claims processing room" in Asian and Middle East countries. Oceania to respond to the decision.

The Supreme Court's ruling coalition ruled that the victims' right to claim damages was not extinguished in the 1965 claims treaty, in which four victims of forced labor in Japan had filed claims against the Japanese Nippon Steel Corporation. The ruling of the Supreme Court is based on a constitutional decision that settlement by Japanese settlers is illegal and that Japanese companies must pay 100 million won to victims.

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