This is a … Negotiations on denuclearization talks between North Korea and the United States



After the summit between North Korea and the United States, our diplomatic line visits the United States on a continuous basis, with follow – up negotiations not accelerating.

Shim Jae-woo correspondent is in New York
In the United States, Moon Jae-in delivered a message saying that he would play the role of active mediator.


The Cheong Wa Dae National Security Agency went to Washington, DC, in 77 days

John Bolton met with the National Security Advisor of the White House and discussed the plan denuclearization of North Korea


An official of Cheong Wa Dae said: "The denuclearization issue is not yet fruitful, so we say we will continue the power of the talks in Singapore."

Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-Hwa also held a briefing on the situation of the Korean peninsula in New York with State Secretary Mike Pompei in New York

Briefing on Pompeii's visit to New York North Korea, We can start the discussion on mitigation. "

The State Secretary Pompeii made no mention of any concrete action, but senior officials of the Foreign Ministry explained that the total flow of denuclearization is an irreversible measure

[강경화/외교부 장관 : 북한의 구체적인 비핵화 행동을 견인해내는 데 있어서 (국제사회가) 단일된 목소리를 취할 필요가 있다고 생각합니다.]

The international community expects concrete action from North Korea while maintaining sanctions against North Korea

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