Three-week bird flu outbreaks more than doubled … 0 to 6 years


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Patients with suspected disabilities have doubled in three weeks. In particular, infants aged 0 to 6 years begin intensely, which requires additional care. According to the Korean Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCID), 95 outbreaks of water-borne diseases were controlled by 95 medical facilities nationwide and 27.5 (provisional data) for 28 outpatients out of 1000 (July 8-14). Compared to 13.1 in 25 weeks (June 17 to 23) three weeks ago.

In particular, the number of physicians aged 0 to 6 years with low immunity for 28 weeks was highest with 33.6 ambulatory patients per 1000 patients.

The disease is caused by enteroviruses

This is a disease caused by enteroviruses. If you have a hand-foot disease, you will have a mild fever and rash with a red line in the tongue, gums, internal mucous membranes and the feet of your cheeks. This rash will improve after about a week.

Most often, mild symptoms, but rarely meningitis, encephalitis, paralysis may be accompanied by symptoms. In infants whose immune system has not yet developed, the likelihood of complications is higher.

If the arms and legs of infants with foot-foot disease are tapered and stretched and there is no strength, go to the medical center as soon as possible and ask for professional care.

Foot-foot disease is infected when it comes into direct contact with the patient's stool, stool, sputum, nose and blisters. These secretions also spread through towels, toys and furniture. It is the most contagious week. The incubation period is about 3 to 7 days.

There is no vaccine or cure for the disease of the hands and feet. Preventing infection is the best way. In order to prevent infection, it is important to practice good personal hygiene by learning the proper method of hand washing and making it a daily life.

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