Toxic, syphilis 2, infectious epidemic mumps disease in Jeju – JEONG Min Daily


Photographs of data

The number of reported incidents increased by 125% · 34% · 67% compared to the previous year
Reduction of scarlet fever, SFTS … The outbreak of influenza has been lifted

It has been reported that the prevalence of infectious diseases such as chickenpox, syphilis 2, mumps has increased urgently and that Urgent preventive management has been reported. According to the report, the number of cases of chickenpox this year was 1013, an increase of 125% over the same period last year (451 cases).

In addition, 1036 cases occurred in children under 15 years of age.

The number of reported incidents on Jeju Island is 160.03 per 100,000 population, four times higher than the national average of 47.47.

As a result, children's homes (0 to 3 years old), children's gardens (4 to 6 years old)

In the case of mumps, the number of cases of syphilis increased from 65 cases to 87 case this year, up 34%, while the number of cases of syphilis rose from 3 cases to 3 cases last year 5 cases

In contrast, scarlet fever and the SFTS (severe febrile thrombocytopenic syndrome ), syphilis 1 and hepatitis A decreased by 72%, 25%, 47% and 25% respectively. On May 28, the outbreak was lifted. As a result of the surveillance of the sample, the number of physicians was 6.2, 19 (May 6 to 12) 6.1 and 20 (May 13 to 19) 6.0, respectively, for 18 weeks (April 29 to June 5).

Dairy farms are showing signs of an increase in the number of outbreaks due to the summer season, and attention has been sought.

To Protect Against Infectious Diseases,

In particular, it will monitor infectious diseases to be continuously observed and support education in the prevention of infectious diseases by focusing on vulnerable clbades and making actively promoting infection prevention activities.

One official said, "We will conduct research that finds the cause of the increase of major epidemics of infectious diseases and actively promote preventative measures." "We will continue to monitor infectious disease and promote measures preventives such as hand washing and cough etiquette. Hyeotda

reporters yisojin [email protected]

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