"Traffic accidents in the heat wave increased by 8% compared to last year … When they increased by 1%, they increased by 1.2% ↑"


Traffic accidents increased by 8% over last year, due to the worst heat that has reached the level of "disaster".

Samsung Traffic Safety Institute,

The institute reported that the highest temperatures and accidents occurred during the period of badysis (233 total days), and the number of Accidents

The temperature of 23-24 degrees Celsius averaged 9259 days per day, an average of 6,958 per day, 35-36 degrees C.

If the temperature rises by 1 degree, the average number of traffic accidents is 1.2%

Similar findings were found in studies abroad

According to an article published in the National Institute of environmental health sciences (NIEHS) by researchers from the Center for Environmental Epidemiology in Spain In the region of Paint Catalonia, a "heat wave" occurred between 2000 and 2011, when the temperature rose of one degree, the rate of traffic accidents has increased from 1,1 % and heat waves increased by 2.9%.

In July of this year (23 February), 193,976 cases of accidents were received,

179,665 cases were reported from 1 to 23 July last year

14 131 increase case (7.9%)

In particular, the number of accidents involving a single vehicle per type of accident increased by 7 280 (27.6%), from 19 059 in July to 26 339 in July of this year

According to the distribution of accidents in June ~ July during the last two years, 14.4% (2 ~ 4 pm) of the daytime temperature has the highest temperature,) and of 16h to 18h (14.7%).

It will continue from 12:00 to 12:00 (12.6%), from 8:00 to 10:00 (12.6%) and from 10:00 to 12:00 (12,3%).

The institute said: "We can not maintain normal body temperature because of heat waves, and sleep control and excitation functions are lowered, and the daily rhythm is broken.

The institute said: "The increase in the index of discomfort due to the heat wave is also a way to drive safely".

On the other hand, the Insurance Development Agency reported that the average daily commuting accidents during the summer vacation season (July 20 ~ August 15, 2015 ~ 2017) were 11,479 cases, Other period (an average of 10,000 per day)

The number of victims (interpreters) also increased by 4.0% to an average of 4,706 persons per day, due to a increased travel with family and friends.

The number of accidents and casualties in the metropolitan area of ​​Seoul decreased by 1.9% and 2.9% respectively, while non-metropolitan areas grew by 5.8% and 9 , 7%.

Accidents were 4.8 ~ 14.6%

The average number of accidents per day for teens (18-19 years) and 20 drivers increased by 23.7% and 3 , 9% compared to the usual age

by age group.

The number of victims increased by 31.6%

The development agency said: "The increase in the number of trips for families during the holiday season seems to be due to a increase in the number of vehicles carrying children and adolescents. "

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