Trump "G20 American Summit" … A clue of trade war? > News Square 1> International> News



US President Trump will hold a meeting at the G20 summit.

He also said that he hoped that the trade negotiations between the two Koreas would succeed.

But President Trump's chief economic advisor denied Bloomberg reports that President Trump had ordered the creation of a trade agreement between the two countries.

It is reported by Washington correspondent Lee Washington correspondent.


US President Trump has formalized the US-China summit.

The meeting was held at the G20 summit in Argentina later this month.

[트럼프/미국 대통령 : “우리는 G20 정상회의에서 만날 겁니다. 시진핑 주석과 G20 정상회의 때 만나는데 합의했습니다. 우리는 저녁을 함께 하면서 논의할 것입니다.”]

President Trump said he expects good agreements with China and also expressed hope for the US-China trade talks.

[트럼프/미국 대통령 : “중국과 매우 좋은 협상이 만들어질 거라고 생각합니다. 그들은 몹시 바라고 있습니다. 할 수 있다면 합의를 이루고 싶고 많은 진전이 이뤄져 왔습니다.”]

But if negotiations do not succeed, we can ask for additional tariffs on imports from China.

At the same time, White House Economic Committee chairman Kwon denied Bloomberg's report that President Trump had ordered him to draft a trade deal with China, CNBC reported.

Mr Kardel said that there was no big change with China and that he had offered US trade demands to China.

According to the CNBC television channel, senior Trump government officials said progress had been made behind the scenes, but that there was no sign of impending trade agreements with China.

In the United States, other media said the talks had begun, but the conclusion of an agreement was taking longer.

It should be noted that the G20 summit in Argentina will provide a clue to resolve the trade war.

I am a reporter from KBS News in Washington.

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