Trump, "I was wrong" Mei meets the Prime Minister "I am very strong between us"


During a visit to Britain, US President Donald Trump began a luncheon with Prime Minister Teresa Mei at a prime minister's residence outside London on Sunday, December 13, noting that the relationship with Prime Minister Young is "very, very strong".

President Trump said that if Prime Minister Lee meets with Prime Minister Lee before the end of the NATO summit, he will have no trade negotiations with the United States when he goes to the "He said that he was slamming."

This article was published at the Mandelhim dinner with Prime Minister Trump Gaye in Brussels, with senior officials from both countries. [19659002] Trump, who is sitting next to May with the British prime minister in a plaid cottage, said at a dinner the day before, "We had a better relationship than ever."

Trump n & # He did not answer the reporter's question about the preliminary interview, instead he said he would discuss commercial and military affairs at lunch.

"We are the the longest and deepest security and defense partner in the United States, "said Mee, and Trump said that NATO had made the decision to increase its defense spending.

Trump said in an interview yesterday that former Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who resigned on May 9, questioned the Prime Minister's ability to deal with the Brettshaws negotiations, saying it would be "a very good "prime minister.

Between the soft and the hard on Bresit Line, the month of May was mild, and on June 6, he called 30 members of the Conservative Party Cabinet, including Johnson, in the premises of Chancelles, J & # 39; I had a discussion about the end of the fire. He was released on December 12, just after Trump was adopted, adopting the Sweet Roadmap White Paper.

Earlier, David Davis Brett, who is close to the Radical Minister, resigned in response to the adoption of the "soft" white paper, and boss Hardy's boss, Johnson, followed suit the next day .

On the other hand, President Trump went to the Sandhurst Military Academy in the London suburbs with a ridiculous parade of activists, with protesters opposing his visit, pulling rumors about the area.

The two leaders arrived at the Prime Minister's villa in Checkers, 60 kilometers northwest of London, after a 30-minute event. After lunch, Trump has a tea with Queen of Youngs in Windsor Castle just outside of London. He will go directly to his own golf course in Turnberry, southwest of Scotland, for a weekend of personal relaxation.

Trump will hold a summit with Russian President Putin in Helsinki, Finland, on the 16th.

Trump, "Do not do wrong" Mei Meets the Prime Minister "We Are Very Strong" Recommended Articles

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