Trump, Kim Jong Eun, "Iranian President, I will meet without conditions"


  US President Donald Trump, who proposed a dialogue with Iran at a joint press conference with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte at the White House Thursday (local time) [AP=연합뉴스]

The US President Donald Trump, who proposed a dialogue with Iran at a joint press conference with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte at the White House Tuesday (local time) [AP=연합뉴스]

US President Donald Trump proposed a full-fledged meeting with Iranian President Hbadan Nasir facing the imminent restoration of US sanctions against Iran. In the recent worry over a military conflict over the Strait of Ormuz, such a proposal for dialogue is interpreted as a strategy similar to that which pushes North Korea to a negotiating table.

Trump said at a joint press conference with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte at the White House on Thursday, "We will definitely meet if they want to meet Iran". According to CNN and others, President Trump said, "There is no precondition." "I believe that they will eventually want to meet, I am ready to meet them if I want."

Trump said, "What should Iran do to ease the tension?" In what process Do you have any intention of meeting the Iranian president? "As you know, we met Kim Jong-un, and there was no missile launch in nine months, the hostages were back and many very positive things happened

  US President Donald Trump (left) and Iranian President Hbadan Lohani [중앙포토]

US President Donald Trump (left) and Iranian President Hbadan Lohani [19659008] Trump's remarks today are interpreted in a forward-looking attitude in light of the "bombshell" directed against Iran's rulers, Trump said on his Twitter twenty-two (22), "Do not be intimidated by the president, never again in the United States, or you will do the ex perience of the worst suffering that anybody has ever known. "Then, proposing a sudden and unconditional dialogue is interpreted as an" badet "type negotiation that calls a hostile adversary into a conversation table. CNN also said: "The dialogue proposal for Iran reminds Trump that he has held a summit with Kim Jong-un."

The United States unilaterally withdrew from the Iranian Nuclear Agreement (JCPOA Global Joint Action Plan) to which five major Western nations and Iran participated in May. Iran faces a threat of blockade of the Strait of Ormuz, which is a transport channel for Middle East crude oil, while the US re-imposes sanctions to stop exports oil companies of Iran. The rate of Iranian Rials has accelerated since the Trump government has withdrawn from JCPOA by 74%.

Iran's reaction to Trump's dialogue proposal has not been confirmed. Despite the threats of the United States, Iran has continued to cooperate with the European Union (EU) and other countries to counter the hostile policies of the United States. A spokesman for Iran's Foreign Ministry, Bach Lam Gershmi, said on Wednesday that "the war will not take place," he added.

However, there are also observations that sub-subordination talks between the United States and Iran are ongoing, before the reinstatement of sanctions against Iran, which is approaching the month next. Trump is in mid-November elections, and it is necessary to make progress in Iran, in addition to North Korea. Oman's Minister of Foreign Affairs, formerly known as "Switzerland of the Middle East", came to power in Iran and the United States. However, the spokesman said that "Iran and the US negotiations are an overly speculative media report".

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