Trump My Way Expression "Braking & # 39; … trying to overthrow the Senate


While the mid-term elections of November 11 have resulted in the conquest of the Democratic House of Representatives, it is expected that the administration administration Donald Trump, who is approaching its first turning point, should change .

Trump's re-election plan for re-election was also contested.

The formula "My Way" of President Trump, of the Democratic Party, who succeeded the presidency of the House of Representatives in eight years, the collapse of the upper house and lower house of the ruling party and the dissolution the power of Parliament, the engine is braked.

"I do not have my name on the ballot, but this election is a referendum on me," said Trump, announcing a "political fate."

As a result of the "hate crime" at the end of the elections, the confrontation of "Trump against Trump" is widespread and the fatigue of President Trump for separatism of the anti-Trump faction There is also an badysis which led to the meeting.

The Democratic Party has already used the "summoning power" to restore control and balance, and is firmly seeking President Trump & # 39;

However, some also feel that the Senate has stabilized the position of the majority party in the political environment of a "middle election = the ruling party's grave".

It is generally badyzed that the "ball" of President Trump is part of the last round of the last round, even though he won most of the battlefields of the Senate, including Texas.

It is said that the victory of "half & # 39; is won.

For this reason, President Trump should continue his campaign for My Way, claiming that the election results will be a "victory", while highlighting the bipartisan cooperation of the Democratic Party because of changes in the situation caused by the reorganization of power in power.

In the context of promoting priorities, such as the US preference and protectionism, without any revision of the orbit, a strong rivalry with the Democratic Party is expected in the House of Representatives.

It is expected that he will again lead to re-election on the basis of the seizure of the Senate, which constitutes the "safeguard" of the power of the Democratic Party.

In the absence of an "absolute winner", the tension in the political circle should increase in the second half of the term.

◇ Notice of shaking the agenda of the Trump democratic table … inevitable weakening of the will of the state

Once the Democratic Party seems to have waved the agenda of the "trump table" with the status of majority party at home as a weapon.

The Republican dominance being maintained in the Senate, the Democrats' braking of the Trump government could be limited.

However, as the Conservative camp broke the power structure that took control of the administration and the legislature, the control and direction exercised by the Trump government was weakened to some degree.

Until now, President Trump's anti-immigration policy, which was a key issue during the election period, as well as the so-called "badet standards", such as protective trade routes and cuts from the US-China trade war, the withdrawal of multilateral agreements and traditional alliances The agendas of the factions that pushed the flags of the "US priority", such as disputes, could to break up in Congress.

On the way to the next presidential election, the anti-trumpet war of the Democratic Party and the political upheaval seem to intensify.

In particular, the Democratic Party, which has become a majority in the House of Representatives, will use the power of summons to open a parliamentary inquiry into Trump's personal and executive ministers, the Washington Post and Wall Street reported. Newspaper. .

Budgetary spending seems to be an active weapon.

President Roh Moo-hyun could perhaps lead President Trump around the corner because of "scandals" surrounding suspicions about Russia's internal affairs during the last presidential election and the "bad news"

There is also the observation that the impeachment theory can be reignited with Russian scandals.

However, the possibility that the Democratic Party actually withdraws the impeachment card is not high for the moment, because the Republican Party has maintained the position of the majority party in the Senate,

"The Democratic Party is ready to prepare for various investigations of President Trump," but its leaders are ready to take immediate action on the impeachment, a "volatile" document, because it can put Democrats at risk in the way of 2020 presidential elections. "He said.

Instead, the Democratic Party will closely monitor the Trump Government's policies, including immigration, education, and health insurance, and will use the power of the majority in the House to investigate on the allegations of President Trump's accession to Russia.

Democratic Party President Nancy Pelosi, who is due to be handed over to Speaker Bhatton, said the day before: "The impeachment is not what the party leadership is trying to do now."

Ump Trump & Senpai Sangbang & # 39; seems to fight his way without changing his way

Trump, who lobbied the Republican party's legislature during the first half of his reign, pleaded for the opposition camp, which led the Democratic Party to press for a "real life" ". It's a situation.

"President Trump wants to work with the Democratic Party on infrastructure, immigration and other issues," Kelly N. Conway, a White House advisor, told Fox News on Thursday.

However, it is generally observed that it is unlikely that President Trump will revise the agenda of representative agendas such as immigration and protectionist trade policies.

On the contrary, it is likely that the Democratic Party will build a front line by launching a "tactics at the edge of the cliff" and trying to break through the front,

The fact that the Democratic Party is fighting for the power of the House of Representatives by blocking the position of the majority party in the Senate allows it to stop in the legislative process.

Trump's emphasis on the Senate The Republican Party is further strengthened by the propaganda of the Republican Senate.

In fact, President Trump said in a Twitter post on the day after the election that if the Democratic Party exercised its authority to investigate at the House level, it would declare war on it.

The Democratic Party and the House of Representatives are expected to face a frontal collision. It is expected that the opposition front will be released for the issue of immigration.

It is unlikely that trade wars between the United States and China and other trade issues alone can lead to a firm response.

Trump is probably ready for reelection actually.

It is also said that the possibility of strengthening the family system through a large-scale reorganization, aimed at personal renewal,

Elections were traditionally considered the "grave" of the ruling party, and his defeat in the midterm elections was not necessarily related to the failure of the successive elections of the president and the election result was some little anticipated. Some badysts believe that the political shockwaves may not be larger than expected.

The visit will be followed by a visit to France to attend the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War on November 11, to attend the G20 Summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, at the end of the month, and at the visit of Chinese President Zhong Xinping, Vladimir Putin. There is also a schedule for foreign diplomatic missions such as holding a bilateral summit with the president.

(Yonhap News / Photo = Getty Images Korea)

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