Trump "North denuclearization will happen all day long … Kindness is important"


  Donald Trump, President of the United States [AP=연합뉴스]

Donald Trump, President of the United States. [AP=연합뉴스]

US Secretary of State Mike Pompei visited North Korea in Pyongyang for follow-up negotiations on the denuclearization of North Korea, and US President Donald Trump is optimistic that "all that is going to happen pbading is linked to denuclearization ".

On Friday, August 5, President Trump said in a joint statement of the North American summit in Great Falls, Montana, that "they (North Korea) have signed a very good document claiming that He would denuclearize everything – it was a very wise agreement for North Korea. "

He added:" There is currently Mike Pompeo (in North Korea) for the denuclearization negotiations. " "Good faith is very important."

Trump also said: "It seemed like a missile was firing once a week at the time of the Obama administration," he said, referring to the earthquake artificial caused by the nuclear test.

"We (North America) exchanged very harsh rhetoric." As he said, he (Kim Jung Eun) was very hard and was about to start a war. (North America) The rhetoric has stopped and now people say that he is very kind. I was fine with Kim. It's a good thing. "

He repeatedly pointed out:" In the last eight months, there have been no nuclear tests or missiles. "

" The hostages are back before anything else I've been in Singapore, "he said," I did not pay $ 1.8 billion in cash (in exchange for the hostage). We paid less, "he said. We did not pay anything. "

President Trump said that if Obama had a war, he would have had many casualties."

He also said, "If Clinton or Obama did it, I did not get it. not given to North Korea. Obama could not meet them because they would not meet, "said Clinton," I have nothing but billions of dollars, but I am not. " "

Park, Kwangsoo, [email protected]

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