Trump-Putin discusses Syria's solution … France wins second World Cup


C is "Global Village Today" which tells news from different countries.

What news do you have today?

Reporter: US President Donald Trump is in talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin for the first time since his inauguration. . Let me see what the story is going on. Let's take a look at what France has won at the 2018 World Cup in Russia, followed by the fact that we are introducing foreign football leaders to China.

Moderator) President Trump meets Russian President Putin?

Reporter) Yes. At the Finnish Presidential Palace in Helsinki, the first US-Russian summit after President Trump's presidency is underway. After the interviews with a single interpreter, lunch is planned for this time. The two leaders briefly discussed on the website of the international conference and took pictures twice, but this is the first time that these are the only official talks. The press in each country reports progress. CBS said it was a "highly monitored meeting". Relations between the United States and Russia are so bad that they recall the cold war, so the direction of today's talks is significant.

Moderator Just before the talks, President Trump wrote on Twitter?

Reporter) Yes. "I have never had a worse relationship with Russia than before," he wrote a few hours before the start of negotiations. By the way, I said that the cause is in the United States. "It's because of the foolishness and foolishness of the United States," he said, and now that "witches hunted" are occurring.

Moderator) America is stupid, and the witch hunt is going on.

Reporter) The first time that relations between the United States and Russia have deteriorated, the first step of the 2016 US presidential election has been the involvement of Russian authorities by hacking (invasion computerized illegal). It was stupid and stupid that the US government was not able to deal with the case quickly and appropriately at the time. I wrote this on the upcoming tweet. "President Obama has seen Hillary Clinton win the presidential election," Trump said, "so the FBI felt it had nothing to do with Russian intervention." Reporter: By the way, contrary to what I expected, "My (Trump President) won the election, it was a big problem," the FBI official conducted a witch hunt Trump said, he added. And criticized the activities of the special investigation team of Robert Mueller, who is investigating whether the Trump election camp is connected to Russia. The suspicion that Russia helped Trump win the election is emerging in parts of the US political circle.

) What is the agenda of the first US-Russian summit underway during the presidential intervention

? The situation in the Middle East, including Syria, the integration of the Crimean Peninsula, President Trump said Friday after talks with Prime Minister Teresa May in Britain. There is a little more on the Russian side. "We will discuss the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, US-Russian relations and economic cooperation," said political adviser Yuri Ushakov Putin.

Host) Let's look in each and every one of them.

What do you mean by the Syrian question, which both parties refer to as a key issue?

Journalists say Russia is pulling out of Syrian troops to train rebels and at the same time Iran There is a possibility of collecting. In Syria, which has been in civil war for more than six years, large countries in the United States and Europe support moderate rebels, and Russia is helping the Bashar al-Aqsaid government in military and economic terms. Iran, which seeks to expand its influence in the Middle East, and Turkey also have a considerable number of troops stationed there.

Leader) In exchange for the withdrawal of US troops, not to withdraw Russian troops from Iran?

Reporter) Yes. The main force of the Russian army has already decided to withdraw at the end of last year. President Trump has said several times this year that he would pull American troops out of Syria. However, there is considerable skepticism about whether the withdrawal of US and Iranian forces will occur at the same time. There are many experts who think that Russia can not persuade Iran. Iran's Foreign Minister Ali Akbaribelaylati, who visited Moscow last week, said on Sunday that the Syrian government will only withdraw when it wants to.

The second agenda, what is the question of the integration of the Crimean Peninsula in Russia?

Reporters) If Russia wants to improve relations with the West and the United States, we must solve this problem. I was forced to merge Crimea, a territory of Ukraine, with the use of force in 2014. The international community, including the United States and the European Union , considers this as invalid and has put in place economic sanctions against Russia. Russia has been withdrawn from the G8 meeting in eight major countries, and trade with the West has virtually ceased. Russian authorities then supported pro-Russian rebels around the Crimean peninsula and created a civil war. The Ukrainian government is appealing for help from the international community.

) What do you think would be the third major nuclear weapons reduction program?

The United States and Russia are both nuclear powers, C & # 39; is. Trump stressed last Friday that the proliferation of nuclear weapons is the biggest problem on earth, explaining Putin's agenda. Earlier this year, the United States and Russia declared that they had fulfilled their obligations under the 2010 Nuclear Weapons Reduction Agreement. The two countries reduced their deployed nuclear warheads from 2,200 to 1,500 and reduced the number of missiles from 1,600 to 800.

) The biggest controversy between the United States and Russia, the question of "how much" does it mean? to intervene in the presidential election in 2016, is not the summit agenda?

President Trump said that he would raise the issue of presidential intervention. However, even if this question is mentioned, it is unlikely that Putin will acknowledge his responsibility, so that the observation that it is mainly difficult to achieve concrete results is dominant.

) Can the two leaders come to an agreement or result on other programs?

At the meeting, John Bolton, National Security Advisor for the White House, said yesterday, "We are not pursuing concrete results." Said in an ABC interview. The US government can interpret it as meaning the first meeting of the two leaders. Even if we are abstract, we must attend a press conference to see if there will be a joint agreement or statement to try to improve relations.

But why are the talks going on in Helsinki, Finland, not the United States or Russia?

Reporter) Trump and the two governments, I judged it. Finland Helsinki is a neutral city with a high symbolism. In 1990, when the Cold War was dissolved, the meeting between US President George W. Bush and US President Mikhail Gorbachev was also held today at the Presidential Palace of the Finnish Presidential Palace (16th).

  The France team celebrates its victory in the stadium after France's 4-2 victory over Croatia in the final of the 2018 Russian World Cup at Moscow's Rouznicki stadium

In the final of the Cup from the Russian world to the Rusutsu stadium in Moscow

The organizer listens to "the global village today" after France won 4-2 against Croatia. 2018 Russia Trophy World Cup football tournament back in France?

reporter) Yes. France has reached the top of the World Cup football in 20 years. I beat Croatia 4-2 in the final of the FIFA World Cup Russia yesterday (15th) at the Rusutsu stadium in Moscow. After the 1998 France tournament, I raised my second trophy. I became the sixth team to win the World Cup twice more.

Host 4) There are a lot of goals in 2, right?

Reporter) Yes. Both teams scored six goals. It was the second time in the last World Cup finals. It was a spectacular match, with a goal scored, a forward goal (free kick), a mid-range goal, and almost every scoring method available in football. Because there were so many Croatian cheerleaders, the atmosphere on the premises was disadvantageous for France. In the early days of the game, France was trained fighting with oppressive tactics. However, after the first goal of Croatia's leading player Mario Manjukicchi in the 18th minute, the match was transported to France.

Host: The future of French football is illuminated with this World Cup winner?

Reporter: Yes. Killian Mbufe, Paul Fogba and Antoine Griez are all young players who scored in the final. Throughout the Russian World Cup, they led the French national team. European sports media say that the new golden generation of French football has begun. Above all, Killian Yum Bafpe is 19 years old. Brazilian Pelé, nicknamed "The Emperor of Football", scored at the 1958 World Cup finals, becoming the 10th player of the World Cup in 60 years. Four years later, he is only 23 years old at the Qatar World Cup, and his skills are still expected to improve.

Moderator) Umm, Baffe and Pogue are different from most of the French population, black men

journalists. The father of Umbafe is Cameroon and his mother is Algerian. Foggado is a 2-year-old immigrant family from Guinea. Griezman is a white man, but his parents are not all French. My father is German, my mother is Portuguese. All but two members of the team grew up in immigrant families. Especially 15 people are African. CNN has called French players different races and origins of a "rainbow team".

Leader) The leaders of the countries met in the final?

Reporter) Yes. The winning team Emmanuel Marc Long, the French president, has applauded several times in the relay camera. President Kolin Da Ghrabar Kitaro Beach of the opposing team and President Vladimir Putin of the host country also watched the match on the pitch.

Moderator) Is the festival now in France?

reporter) This is true. Since yesterday, after the match, residents have flocked to the center of major French cities, including Paris. Today (16th), the national team will march on the Champs Elysées.

  The Korean-Chinese match for the finals of the 2018 World Cup in Russia will be played in 2016, and the Chinese football team follows the country before the game.

Moderator Global Village Today, let me see more news. The 2018 Russia World Cup is over. China could not qualify for the final this year. It's news that China is focusing on recruiting overseas coaches by dreaming of a football power in 2050.

Reporter) Yes, it is widely known that Chinese President Jing Jinping is a pbadionate football player. In 2016, the Chinese government announced an ambitious goal to make China the most powerful football nation in the world with the goal of 2050. We also said that by 2020 we will increase the number of football players to 50 million. To this end, we are recruiting foreign coaches to foster future soccer dreams in primary and secondary schools in China.

The Chinese have recently made a big jump into the sport, so what about their football scores?

As you said, China has boasted of being part of the world clbad in almost every sport, I have. But it's as bad as poisonous football. At the World Cup in Russia, Korea did not even walk on Russian soil at the 9th consecutive World Cup tournament, while Japan recorded a 6th successive run. It was only once in 2002 that Chinese football entered the World Cup finals.

The largest population in the world, human resources will be abundant Why is football so lethargic?

Voices point to the inability of the Football Association, but the Chinese also explain this phenomenon. I can not. Since the inauguration of the Chinese president, however, we have designated soccer as an essential subject in primary and secondary schools and we focus on promoting football without support.

Moderator) Part of this is the recruitment of coaches overseas.

reporter) Yes. In 2015, the Chinese Ministry of Education launched a project to recruit more football coaches abroad. The reaction of the players is good. Currently, the Ministry of Education only sponsors two or three coaches per province each year, but local authorities hire more foreign coaches themselves.

Moderator) Has a local government in China not reached an agreement with the Czech Republic some time ago?

Reporter) That's right. Last month, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, China, signed an agreement with the Czech Football Association, and Chechen coaches decided every summer to train in Chinese schools, players Chinese and coaches. The traditional football league coaches from Germany will also teach players in 10 schools of Beijing city. In addition, coaches of international football teams such as Inter Milan and Liverpool FC are now teaching Chinese coaches.

) Meanwhile, there is also a negative voice about recruiting coaches overseas.

Reporter) Yes, a high school staff in Hainan Province did not see as much accomplishment as expected. I did not want. Experts stress that foreign coaches must also check their qualifications. In addition, according to a report published by the Chinese authorities in February, coaches in European countries receive an average salary of 340,000 RMB (USD 40,000).

Moderator: I am here today to hear from you.

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