Trump "Signature of NAFTA, since the elections … I do not like it now"


[시드니=뉴스핌] US President Donald Trump has delayed his decision to sign the current amendment to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), stating that he will sign it after the next election.

Donald Trump, President of the United States Trump said in a Fox News program "Sunday Morning Futures" that "I can sign tomorrow for a new NAFTA agreement with Mexico and Canada, but I do not I am not satisfied. "

On the "elections" comments of President Trump, the Associated Press and the Washington Post (WP) said it would "Although it is reported that this points to the elections in Mid-term to come, Bloomberg could refer to the Mexican presidential election.

The election and general elections have been held together in Mexico since the morning of the previous day, and the current regime to do history with leftist parties such as MORENA (National Reconstruction Movement) and the Party of Labor (PT)

As expected, the first left-wing regime will be born in Mexico in 89 years, and Obrador will continue to is committed to promoting the renegotiation of NAFTA, with the presidential candidate, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, "
"There is a very interesting election coming," he said in an interview on Tuesday.

Bloomberg reported that comments seemed refer to the Mexican presidential election, not the mid-term elections in the United States.

The White House did not immediately comment on the statement.

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