Twelve boys were saved and their names were revealed to the world.


The news of the return of the Thai cave boys, which the world dreamed so much, was heard on the 10th.

<아에프페> (AFP) On the evening of the 10th, four boys belonging to the football team of young "MuPa" who were trapped for 17 days in Tam Luang cave, Coach Chapon Chanatowong (25 years old) would have been saved safely. After the disappearance of the cave on the 23rd of last month, the 13 people found during the 9 days were returned.

Linh Pham via Getty Images

At 10:08, the Thai authorities sent 19 rescuers, including foreign divers, to the rescue. Fourteen boys and one coach on the first day and two on the second day were rescued, all nine, including the doctors and navy crews who remained in the cave to take care of them, are out.

Health officials said the health of eight boys on the first and second day of the rescue was devastating the first day, it's good. "All eight are in very good health and have no fever.The mental state is also good," he said. Two of the four patients who were rescued on the first day were suspected of having pneumonia, and one of them would have been reestablished after the body temperature was too low and the rhythm was too low. cardiac has been irregularly transferred to the hospital.

The health authorities were to meet the boys and their families on the other side of the window. The boys say that they say, "I miss my house" and "We are happy". The boys also received the "happiest" news. The six-person school in Maasai Pras Ssatart said that boys "do not have to pbad the test scheduled for next week."

Detailed information on boys who survived 400 hours Horror It's That (13), which was spotted by a professional football team from the professional football team, Adull Sampon (14 years old) from the Autonomous Region of Myanmar, Soma Fonsaiion (13), who dreams of nationalism, Firat Patpampangai (17 years old), who had his birthday on March 23, the first day, Phitapo (age 15) wrote to his parents that he wanted to eat a fried barbecue at Inside the cave, and Ekarathon Suk Chan (14 years old) promised to help his mother's shop if they escaped from the cave.







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A view inside Tamuang Cave, Maasai District, Taichung, Taiwan

The Thai government plans to develop the Tam Luang cave as a tourist destination, which took on the "structural drama" <시엔엔> (CNN).

On the other hand, Ilron Musk, led by space developer Tesla Space X (X), delivered a small submarine in the morning to find the cave in the morning. . He made the submersible "rocket parts." The name of the football team is called "wild boar." However, "the equipment imported by Musk is not suitable for our work," said Ona Longsacatta. , the governor of Chin Rai, the leader of the rescue operation.

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