United Nations Secretary-General to visit North Korea


"110 billion dollars of aid funds for the nutritional deficit of children"

"North Korean children suffer from malnutrition 20% … Severe food poisoning in rural areas"

BEIJING, March 20 (Xinhuanet) – South Korean President Roh Moo-Kyu of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OHCA) AFP reported.

According to the correspondent, Lokok said at a press conference organized by the Pyongyang Office of the United Nations Development Program in Pyongyang.

"North Korea has made a lot of progress in the humanitarian field," said Lowuk, "but we still face many challenges, and the United Nations will increase humanitarian support to North Korea ".

He said: "Thanks to the humanitarian fund of 110 million US dollars, the United Nations will solve the nutritional deficiency of North Korean children, the supply of clean water and lack of drugs."

"More than half of children in rural areas do not receive safe drinking water, and 20% of North Korean children are malnourished." In a hospital visited, there were 140 patients with tuberculosis, there was only one reason, "he said.

The UN considers humanitarian aid to 16.6 million of the 25 million North Koreans.

Lokkok, Director of the High Commissioner for Health and Social Services of North Korea, said: "The situation in rural areas is worse and the under-5 mortality rate is 20% higher to that of urban areas. And the investigation on the situation of humanitarian aid. On this day, Kim Young-nam met with the chairman of the Standing Committee of the Supreme People's Assembly of North Korea.

The UN Humanitarian Coordinator visited North Korea for seven years and in October 2011, Director Amerius Valery visited North Korea for five days.

Rowcoke, who visited North Korea on September 9, is expected to return to Korea via Beijing after completing the official schedule on the morning of the 12th.

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