United States: Denuclearization list of North Korea


When US Secretary of State Mike Pompei went to Pyongyang on June 6 and 7 for an interview on the North Korea summit in Pyongyang, Pyongyang asked North Korea to complete his list of programs and schedules.

Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Stephen Mulally said Monday that he had met with representatives of the ruling Democratic Party of Korea (DDP), including Hong Young-pyo, currently visiting the D & D department. US state. At a high-level meeting with Kim Hyung-chul, vice chairman of the North Korean Workers Party of North Korea Workers Party, Christopher Pompeo said: "A complete list of Korea's nuclear programs of the North, including nuclear and ballistic sites ". And the implementation of the case

. North Korea said: "We need credible measures to guarantee the system." "If this is done before, we can give the answer."

Roh, former chairman of the GNP, said: "In the case of the promises made in Singapore. "The United States has called for the denuclearization of three major agendas, including this one, but North Korea has demanded that it take steps to build trust," he said.

Despite North Korea's denuclearization roadmap, Kim Kwan-young, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, has delivered a positive opinion on high-level talks between Deputy Prime Minister Pompeii and Vice President Kim Young-cheol. The ministers met in Tokyo on May 8 with the foreign ministers of the United States and Japan. At the press conference, he asked: "What progress has been made on the timetable for denuclearization?" "We (North America) talked at length about the conversation on the calendar."

On the other hand, Assistant Secretary of Defense John Rudd, who dealt with the North Korean nuclear issue in the 1990s, said: "Kim Jong-"

Hong said: "It was the position of the United States to maintain UN sanctions before denuclearization was achieved, and we agreed that we would agree with that." is clear that we should continue our dialogue to reduce the gap between North America. "He said.

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