US experts must document Pompeo procedures for denuclearization


US experts on the Korean peninsula said the details of the denuclearization process should be documented after the third visit of state secretary Mike Pompeo. While North Korea is trying to somehow avoid negotiations on denuclearization, it is emphasized that even after negotiations between the two countries have become regular, it is a success. A young person participated.

A senior researcher at the Bruce Bennett Land Institute stated that Pompeo's first mission was to make him aware that Kim Jong-un was in agreement on the ICDV through the Panmunjom Declaration and the Singapore Declaration.

[녹취: 베넷 선임연구원] "I think his first mission is to get Kim Jong-in to recognize that Kim Jong-un is already in agreement with the DCID, so he should not debate the goal . "

It is not necessary to discuss again with North Korea the common goal.

Experts badyze this high-level meeting as a reference to confirm Kim's credibility with CVID.

David Maxwell, a senior researcher at the Hanmi Institute, pointed out that Kim Jong Eun should forward information on all nuclear programs to Pompeo. "We need to allow the inspectors to verify this," he said, adding that he wanted to see an agreement including a step-by-step denuclearization plan.

[녹취: 맥스웰 선임 연구원] "He must agree on the information on the nuclear program and agree with the inspectors to inspect them, and then I would like to see an agreement for them step by step

Bennett pointed out that with respect to the related agreement, it should be a written statement that includes the signature of Kim Jung Eun, not the verbal form.

[녹취: 베넷 선임연구원] "This should be a public statement by Kim Jong-in. "

In May, during Pompeo's second visit, President Kim invited US experts to the scene of the explosion of Punggye's nuclear test, – We promised to hold negotiations in Singapore before the North Korea summit, but we were told that it was not all, and that the promise of speech was hard to believe.

Gary Seymour, the weapons coordinator of the White House for WMD, says it's not much anticipation for his visit.

[녹취: 세이모어 전 조정관] "The most important sign of success is that Mr. Pompeo announces" I will have regular meetings with Kim Young Chul or Lee Yong Ho, which does not matter, from next month. "

just announced that Ms. Pompeo plans to meet regularly the North Korean negotiator before reaching a "denuclearization agreement" with North Korea, it is possible

Seymou He said he does not want North Korea to enter into negotiations with the United States, and that the differences between the two sides regarding denuclearization will be revealed very quickly.

[녹취: 세이모어 전 조정관] "I think the North Koreans are not looking forward to starting negotiations to implement the Singapore agreement, because they know that the negotiations will quickly reveal the profound difference between Washington and the United States. Pyongyang on denuclearization. "

At this point, it is possible that the negotiations that North Korea attempted to delay as long as it officially started could be considered as progress.

But Maxwell, a senior researcher, predicted that many things could change depending on Pompeo's visit to North Korea.

[녹취: 맥스웰 선임연구원] "President Trump suspended the bona fide exercises on the American side, and so I think Kim Jong has now demonstrated his good faith.

Since the United States has made a big concession as a "Good exercise" in favor of the United States, now is the time for Kim Jong Eun to show his good will.If this comes back, the United States will have to not only resume trade union training, continue the "maximum pressure campaign" on North Korea, but questioning the authenticity of North Korea.

Bennett is not surprised by recent reports that North Korea is trying to produce additional nuclear materials and conceal his nuclear facilities, saying that Kim Jong-eun has been "glamorous" since the beginning of the year, I did.

So, to show that the United States is going in the right direction to denuclearize North Korea, Pump o stressed that North Korea should also accept the promise not to further develop its nuclear program.

The new VOA are so young.

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