Vitiligo is a high risk for abortion of pregnant women


Pregnant women with vitiligo, a skin disease of varying sizes and shapes with white spots on the skin, are at high risk of abortion.

Gyoung and Kim Beomjun of Dankook University Hospital, Professor Bae Jeong Min of the Daejeon Vincent Hospital of Daegu Catholic, announced on May 5 that they had recently announced a study on the effect of vitiligo on the outcome of pregnancy.

The research team badyzed 4,738 pregnant women with domestic vitiligo and 47,780 pregnant women without vitilose, calculated on the basis of data from the National Center for Assessment and Assessment of Vaccine. Health insurance for the period 2007-16. The fertility rate was 0.87 times lower than that of pregnant women and the frequency of spontaneous abortions was 1.25 times higher. The birth rate was 66.1% for pregnant women with vitiligo and 68.9% for pregnant women in general and 14.7% for pregnant women with vitiligo and 12.1% for pregnant women. pregnant women

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A variety of rounded or irregular white spots on skin and mucous membranes is a relatively common acquired bleaching skin disease with a worldwide prevalence of 0.5-1%. Factors and stress, trauma, sunburn, etc., and autoimmune diseases that destroy self-destructive melanocytic cells

The actual vitiligo is often accompanied by other autoimmune diseases such as thyroid disease, diabetes sweet, alopecia, Sjogren's syndrome, syphilitic reflexes, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. According to existing studies, It is known that the risk of spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, uterine endometriosis and premature labor is doubled and that the overall abortion rate is multiplied by three to five in the case of an autoimmune thyroid disease. Pregnancy outcomes in patients with vitiligo have not been systematically studied to date, but the study has shown that vitiligo may increase the risk of miscarriage.

Professor Park Kee-young said, "Through this research we have confirmed that even in patients with an autoimmune disease, symptomatic autoimmune skin disease, the fertility rate can be decreased as in other systemic autoimmune diseases. In order to avoid the result, more active attention should be given to the treatment and management of patients with vitiligo through a dermatological-gynecological consultation, so that more effective pregnancy counseling are possible. "

The results of this study were published in the current issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, SCI Journal, which ranked first in journals Journal Citation Reports (JCR).

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