Wang Chisan, vice president of US and Mutual Acceptable Solution


WASHINGTON – Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Wang Qishan said yesterday that he was ready to seek a solution that could be accepted by the United States.

According to the Nikkei newspaper, Wang Chisan, the closest neighbor to the president of Shijiazhuang, attended the "Bloomberg New Economics Forum" which was held in Singapore and gave a keynote address.

"The global economy is facing many problems and we need close cooperation between the United States and China," Wang said. "China is ready to cooperate with the United States to negotiate mutual concerns with a view to finding a mutually acceptable solution." He said.

Wang's remarks to the administration of US President Donald Trump show that he is willing to engage in an active dialogue while urging efforts to resolve trade disputes between the two countries.

"President Roh Moo-hyun is not a zero-sum game," said President Trump. President Roh Moo-hyun said: "Whoever wins and who is lost is not a zero sum game." China maintains its calm, and differentiation.

Wang said, "It is clear that the improvement of the international order according to the rules is the only option to achieve a free world economy at a high level."

In his speech at the opening of the China International Income Expo the day before, Wen Jiabao's speech is in line with his commitment that "China will pursue its policy of opening the market".

He resigned from the 18th party congress last year and was elected deputy minister at the National People's Congress (NPC) in March.

Wang Chi Sung played a key role in solving the financial crisis with Henry Paulson, former US Treasury Secretary, who led the mbadive US Treasury bond purchase at the time of the Lehman shock in the fall of 2008. He still has a considerable "hook" with the United States that is enough for behind-the-scenes bargaining.

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