Wen Jiabao sees 1.3 billion Indian market … New South Fence Policy Drive & # 39;



On the afternoon of the first day of talks, President Moon said that the joint press conference after the Korea-India Summit was held at the Prime Minister's Guest House in New Delhi in the afternoon,

He said: "Today, Prime Minister Mori expressed his willingness to cooperate with the Prime Minister of the Democratic Party of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and I decided to actively promote "3P Plus" cooperation to promote cooperation for people, prosperity and peace and to create future growth engines in response to the Fourth Industrial Revolution Negotiated concrete measures, "he introduced.

is one of the South economic policy news, foreign strategies and extension of the security extension of the Moon Jae-government. In addition to the new Nordic politics, he is also responsible for creating a responsible community in Northeast Asia. Last November, the new South Korean policy was introduced in Indonesia.

In addition, the new and southern policies are part of the "New Economic Map of the Korean Peninsula", which Mr. Moon has taken since his presidential campaign. President Moon's idea is that he will pave the way for the economy through the "new Nordic policy" based on Russia on the basis of the Korean peninsula and the "southern political news" based on the south of Indonesia.

Begins with a critical awareness of the existing economic policy that the economy depends on politics and diplomacy and depends on the G2 countries such as the United States and China. It will shift the center of gravity of ASEAN countries' economies such as Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam to the south of the Korean peninsula, away from the existing dependence on United States and the mbades.

This is reflected in Mr. Moon's willingness to be a pioneer of a new marketplace instead of an existing commercial market paradigm, which clearly shows its limitations.

It is the fourth strongest as the United States, China, Japan and Russia, as well as the need to develop new markets, as confirmed by the experience of economic retaliation of the China on the deployment of SAD. It also coincides with a diplomatic initiative aimed at diversifying away from. In the flow of diversification of diplomacy, the economy is also diversifying.

In addition to the economic benefits of operating emerging markets, India, which has 1.3 billion inhabitants, has also become a new security strategy for the United States. Which is more significant in conjunction with the "India-Pacific Strategy".

On September 30, the United States changed the name of the current Pacific Command to Indian Pacific Command and appointed a new commander. It was a change in the sign of the Pacific Command that was launched in 1947, reflecting the anti-China strategy of the United States to cooperate with India and Japan and surround China.

The Indo-Pacific Strategy is a foreign policy strategy aimed at linking the Pacific region to the Persian Gulf with commercial investment and maritime safety belts.

President Moon said, "With the new policy of the Southern Faction and the ASEAN Future Community Initiative of last year, we will continue to create a" people-centered coexistence "." Prosperity and Peace, "Creating a Community of Peace through Prosperity."

During his visit to India, Mr. Moon said, "We have developed a custom" 3P "system that is tailor-made in India , (+) Vision more.

Thanks to the large-scale investment of Korean companies that have entered India, Mindi will actively respond to the "Make in India" policy

through this large-scale infrastructure such as smart city, energy electric, railway, road, port, The two leaders agreed to work together to help Korean companies to participate in the project. On the basis of these collaborative achievements, the two countries will significantly increase trade between the two countries by $ 20-50 billion by 2030.

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