What are the symptoms of poor kidneys? "Chronic kidney disease" Q & A | News / Column | Health stories


"chronic kidney disease", in which the kidney (kidney) is damaged and can not function, lasts more than 3 months,
The number of patients is increasing steadily. Because the kidneys do not recover to their former condition once they get worse, they get worse with regular care and support.
It is better to manage it. In the lecture on the chronic health of kidney disease that was held recently, Professor Kim Seung-jung and Kang Byung-Jin of the Nephrology Department of Yoida Mokdong Hospital
Based on the issue of chronic kidney disease, I tried to solve.


What does the kidney do in our bodies?

The kidney works as a water purifier in our body. The human body produces the materials necessary for the maintenance of daily life and waste
The kidney is an organ that acts as a filter to eliminate unnecessary waste and to keep the necessary substances in the body. In addition, the acid / base state and
It plays a role in preventing the balance of electrolytes, and releases hormones called "Lenin" and maintains blood pressure by controlling the amount of salt excretion. Furthermore

Why is chronic kidney disease dangerous?

Patients with chronic kidney disease are more vulnerable to heart and cerebrovascular disease than normal people. It's very good. In addition, the frequency of hospitalization is three times higher than that of the general public. Chronic
When the stage of kidney disease progresses, the mortality rate from cardiovascular disease is about 10 to 30 times higher than that of normal people. Recently, the Korean Kidney Society
The 5-year survival rate of diabetic patients with end-stage renal disease is 39.9%, which is lower than the average survival rate of cancer patients (64.1%).

How do you know that there is chronic kidney disease? There are no symptoms at first and it is very difficult to recognize the disease. Moreover, when there are subjective symptoms,
I can not often. Therefore, if you have a risk factor for chronic kidney failure, you should have a regular kidney function test. Chronic kidney disease
Risk factors are: ▲ diabetes and hypertension ▲ obesity ▲ smoking ▲ age 50 or older ▲ family history of diabetes or hypertension ▲ antecedents Renal disease ▲ bloody persistent urine or
Hematuria ▲ antecedents of acute renal disease ▲ anterior renal resection ▲ repeated renal infection etc.

What are the symptoms that should be suspected of having renal abnormalities

if any of the following is true

– Blood in the urine (urine of bubbles)

– Blood in the urine (hematuria)

– Proteinuria or hematuria was observed at the time of the medical examination

(19659011) – Urine increased

– The urine is too often seen (frequency)

– Sleeping at night and urinating (nocturia at night)

– How will you diagnose chronic kidney disease?

Chronic kidney disease is a simple blood test and a urine test. I can not. The function of the kidney is the most accurate for measuring glomerular filtration rate,
It can be calculated by examining blood levels of serum creatinine. The glomerular filtration rate is reduced to 60 mL / min / 1.73 m 2 or less,
Even if the glomerular filtration rate is normal, if there is persistent proteinuria or hematuria in the urine test, it is likely that there is chronic kidney disease.

What are the key points for patients with chronic renal failure?

The most basic dietary control of chronic renal failure is to reduce salt intake. The average daily salt intake of Koreans was 12.1 g
It consumes more than twice as much as 5g or less recommended by the World Health Organization. If the patient with chronic kidney disease consumes a similar amount of salt to the public,
Rising, swelling, and kidney function may worsen earlier. In particular, patients with chronic renal failure have a reduced ability to excrete physiological saline into the urine.

To practice a low salt diet, it is necessary to gradually reduce the amount of salt, soy sauce, miso, etc., before you start cooking, so you can gradually get used to the taste more tasty.
Good. Because the soup and stew are particularly salty, they can be replaced with barley tea or sardines, and instant food, smoked foods (ham, sausage, bacon)
Lines. When seasoning, sugar, vinegar, lemon juice, black pepper, mustard, onion, onion, garlic and cooked sweet and sour. Kimchi is shabby
Soak as much as possible in marinated and pickled fish.

Why do people with chronic kidney failure need to reduce their intake of protein, potbadium and phosphorus?

When proteins are digested in the body, they create waste called "udon". Uremia is excreted in the kidneys, so if you take a lot of protein,
It becomes a burden. Proteins can also increase glomerular pressure and lead to the production of substances harmful to the kidneys, which can weaken kidney function. However,
Excessive loss of protein can cause nutritional imbalance, consult your doctor or dietitian

Potbadium is excreted in the urine and if kidney disease causes kidney dysfunction, it can not be excreted properly and can accumulate in the body. As potbadium increases
Arrhythmias, heart attacks, muscle paralysis, etc. may occur, so patients with chronic renal failure should periodically undergo blood tests to determine potbadium levels.
To reduce the intake of potbadium, add the vegetables in boiling water (4 to 5 times the amount of ingredients), cut the ingredients as finely as possible, soak them in the water. 39 water for about 2 hours.
After use

In addition, as urine and excreta are excreted, renal excretion deteriorates. This can lead to complications that weaken the bones,
This can cause calcification. Therefore, you should take an appropriate amount of phosphorus, and if the blood concentration is high in the phosphorus test, you should take medication. Phosphorus,

Do patients with chronic renal failure need to drink a lot of water?

Patients with chronic renal failure are less able to control the excretion of water and sodium Drinking intentionally large amounts of water is temporarily badociated with fluid loss
This does not help unless the kidneys have fallen off. However, if water consumption is too low, the body fluid level will become insufficient and kidney function will decrease.
So be careful. Because our body has a protective mechanism to feel thirsty when lack of water,
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